Saturday, 31 January 2015

ORS: Episode XV - X-Wing Battle Report - TCAces Round 3 - KeneticOpera...

The Outer Rim Smugglers review another TCAces match.

This match features a generic Y-Wing swarm using the most wanted expansion unreleased upgrades against a squad of sigma squadron TIE Phantom

My X-Wing storage solution

YouTube is full of videos of people showing their carry cases for their X-Wing stuff. Hell I might even upload one of my storage solution one day.

JoDudeIT manages to find one way to make his storage case stand out above the rest by showing how he has used air conditioning foam to provide protection to the ships held loosely in the case.

YT-2400 Freighter - UnBoxing & Detailed Review - Star Wars X-Wing Miniat...

Tom Strong reviews gives us an in-depth unboxing video of the YT-2400.

Points of note are an excellent closeup view of the model combined with a "lazy susan" to give a full 360 degree view of the model. All of the cards included in the pack are also thoroughly covered by the host.

Xwing Starterpack Unboxing

A basic unboxing video which appeared to be filmed in some fast food restaurant with the music up high. The vast majority of the conversation is in some foreign language but is too difficult to make out with the background noise, Some English phrases are included.

X-Wing Miniatures X-Wing Starter Box vs Elite TIE Interceptors

A second video from Allen Lancing cataloging their tournament practice.

This time two generic lists go head to head.

X-Wing Miniatures Sample Tournaments Lists Interceptors vs Concept

Allen Lancing has a lets play channel and today started uploading short battle report videos. using the brief summary format where the players give a brief description of the last turns play.

A more complete battle report could include at least the combat phase after giving a summary of the activation phase but this video does a good job of reviewing their tournament practice.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

X Wing Tournament Report #2 Round 3

In the final round of the Fly Casual tournament report Ian's Han, Luke and Airen list takes on some stiff competition from and imperial elite squad Which comes down to a nail biting conclusion.

X Wing Torunament Report #2 Round 2

The second round from the Fly Casual tournament report sees a Ian take his Han, Luke and Airen list up against a rebel swarm featuring five generic pilots all pilot skill 2 or below.

A very interesting game so take a look

X Wing Torunament Report #2 Round 1

The Australian Fly Casual channel brings of coverage of a tournament to win a wave 5 ship.

This round one match features an interesting line-up of ships with even Luke Skywalker stepping into an X-Wing on both sides of the playfield.

As usual the commentary from the Fly Casual guys is interesting and well paced. Video quality is of a high standard but dice rolls are still hard to make out.

Lendas Lendárias #31 - X - Wing

A Portuguese unboxing / review of the core set for X-Wing

X-Wing Battle Report - Çatışma Raporu

A Turkish slideshow battle report

Star Wars X-Wing: Modified Swarm

Darby Conway publishes a Vlog discussing the list building options for TIE Swarms.

X-Wing Video 5

The fortuitous gaming channel once again brings another battle report. This time they appear to be experimenting in un-avoidable damage and multiple action economy.
The video quality is good and clear. The audio quality on the other hand is very low. I had to turn my volume up considerably to be able to hear the conversation between the players and even then the conversation was almost non existent.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

X-Wing Batrep: Devilmator vs. 3B is a new blog focusing on X-Wing battle reports and here they publish their first YouTube video of a battle report.
The have chose to translate the battle report format of the blog into a video which is to say even though they have a mounted camera covering the playfield, none of the play is captured. Instead they choose to record after each movement phase/combat phase and discuss the action that has passed.
It's a shame as the video quality is good and well lit. their discussion is clear although I'm not sure if they have stood right behind the camera to make sure they are picked up well by the microphone.
The battle is interesting and they do a good job report the game events but it would be more preferable to see the game actually played out.

VIDEOREPORT - "Road To Store Championship" - 1° Tappa

The Italians over at the X-Wing Academy channel record a Vlog discussing their preparations for store championships.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

X-Wing Store Champs Testing Ground

The Weapons Grade channel hosted a Google Hangout in which they broadcast a game live.

Due to the nature of this video being an archived copy of a stream you can't ask too much of the video quality so my only complaint here is that brightness from lighting glare.

This game features an experienced player practising for a store championship whilst at the same time teaching the game mechanics to his newcomer opponent.

Dice rolls are called out clearly by the players which helps to aid in the lack of quality on the video. Also the table talk is friendly and comfortable.

The only downside is that this is one game that takes more than two hours, as such it can be a bit slow and require a good deal of time to sit through the whole thing.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Common Rule Mistakes Q&A #1 (Ep. 69)

This video from Dad's Gaming Addiction seemed to slip through the cracks earlier this week.

In this video the host explains some of the more nuanced rules of the game for beginners.

N.O Unboxing Star Wars X Wing Galápagos Jogos

A Portuguese unboxing video of the core X-Wing Miniatures game set.

Cancon Day 1: Hyperlapse Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures 1

A timelapse video of a game played at some convention.

Timelapse games are difficult to watch mostly because the combat phase cannot be followed along.

Discounting this the table is clearly visible, well lit and if it wasn't for the time lapsing it would have been fairly easy to follow the game.

Even so this video doesn't feature a full game and cuts of after what was around 45 minutes of play.

A decent experiment all the same.

Bad Dad Batrep (Star Wars: X-wing Miniatures #1) - The Force Is Strong W...

Jason Brown starts a new Vlog series titled Bad Dad Batrep where he documents his attempts to introduce his seven year old son to the war gaming hobby, having chosen the X-Wing Miniatures game as his starting point.

This once again is an annotated slideshow where the maneuvers and attacks are drawn onto each slide of the battle report, however Jason goes father by actually showing up close shots of the dice rolls and the damage taken by each ship.

Of most interest in this video is Jasons moral struggle with teaching his son the ups and downs of the war gaming hobby without going too easy on him. The promise of this being an on-going series may mean that the videos prove a useful resource for other fathers attempting the same.

X-Wing Miniaturas (partida 1)

The Following is an interesting new take on a battle report using a photo slideshow to demonstrate the turn by turn action but also illustrating the maneuvers and attacks on each slide with simply drawn lines.

Flavour text is added to create a narrative throughout the battle report.

Embedding has been disabled on the video so to see it you'll have to follow the link.

Commander Alozen - Imperial Raider Expansion | Thrawn's Field Test 2015 ...

Another excellent quality video from the German Thrawn | X-Wing Miniatures Game - Battle Reports [deutsch/english] channel.

Once again testing the new TIE Advanced upgrades to be released with the Imperial Raider expansion.

We've seen several battle reports in the last month experimenting with the future upgrades but until now most have poorly represented the newly reborn TIE Advanced. In this Video however a Maarek Stele and Commander Alozen team obliterate a 100 point rebel squad with very little help from the Firespray-31 that rounds out their squadron.

Watch the video for the rarely seen application of Maarek Stele's pilot ability and to see an also rare devastating proton rocket attack.

Once again, whilst the majority of the conversation is in German, English viewers can follow the video without any difficulty.

Gra X-wing: o co chodzi?

A Polish video showing what appears to be a game in progress but I think its more likely to be a pre-arranged diorama of the miniatures. My Polish is limited to three key phrases and as such I couldn't understand any thing that is said in the video. However I suppose its some sort of brief explanation of the game, as he zooms in on each ship and talks a bit about each one.

Star war x wing miniatures game VT-49 Decimator

The Grenster1 channel publishes occasional x-wing content although the majority of his focus is on heroclix figures. In This video he gives a pretty detailed unboxing of the VT-49 Decimator.
Video and audio quality are good, and he gives a good long close up look at the miniature. cards are also clearly visible although there is no discussion of their abilities or their application in a game. Rather the host reads us the name of the card and gives us a brief glimpse of it.

BATTLE REPORT #8 - " Brath is Coming" vs " 2 Heroes"

Italian language channel X-Wing Academy Publishes another batrep. They are slowly developing their content and now have a game mat instead of just a black surface.
An interesting combination of lists in this match but more that half the game is a traffic jam in the center of the board.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Tournament Report #1 - Round 2A Chris vs Marcus

A series of videos all uploaded at the same time. See the first in the series to see my thoughts.

Tournament Report #1 - Round 2B Ian vs Mars

A series of videos all uploaded at the same time. See the first in the series to see my thoughts.

Tournament Report #1 - Round 1B Mars vs Chris

A series of videos all uploaded at the same time. See the first in the series to see my thoughts.

Tournament Report #1 - Round 1A Ian vs Marcus

A series of videos all uploaded at the same time. See the first in the series to see my thoughts.

Tournament Report #1 - Round 3 Mars vs Marcus

Fly Casual uploaded a bunch of videos a few days ago but I wasn't able to find them by searching X-Wing. It was only because this one showed up in my feed that I new to look for more of them.

The idea of time lapsing through planning and activation phases is a good idea and is executed at a comfortable speed to be able to see what's happening.

The play field occupies a small portion of the screen which in turn makes dice rolls and tokens harder to make out. It's always importantant to get the play field to at least fill the screen vertically. As it is in these videos we get an excellent view of a subway cup and a coke bottle whilst dice rolls we cant make out at all.

The comentators at fly casual are on form as usual and do a great job.

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss: Howlrunner #23

Michiel continues his Let's Discuss series this time focusing on Howlrunner.

Store Championship Augsburg, Spiel 4: Mattes gegen Wuher1974

A German language video of a round four game from a store championship. This match is most notable for having two Fat Han's go up against each other.
The audio quality is poor with a lot of background noise making it hard to make out what the principle players are saying, although as this is a German channel this may not be of much importance to most viewers.
Video quality is also lacking. I'm not sure if it's just because the camera isn't focused well or if someone had managed to dirty the lens in some way but for the entire match the mid range colors seem de-saturated and large parts of the play field appear fuzzy.

Friday, 23 January 2015

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #34 (Ep. 71)

Dad's Gaming Addiction posts another lightweight battle report clocking in at under 40 minutes.
As this is the first time I have had the oportunity to review one of their battle reports I will take the opportunity to say that the video quality could be improved, the first step towards this would be to make sure the room is well lit. Even so the host does a good job of talking you through the game events and in this video he makes good use of the zoom on the camera to show us the part of the playfield where the action is taking place, all of which contributes to making the video much clearer.
This video series features a the titular "Dad" playing against his 9 year old son. Due to this situation the videos make good instructional material for beginners to the game. Often the lists used are pretty simple and dont involve too much complicated synergy.
This is a video series that is deffinatley worth watching and if your interested in PC games think about subscribing to the channel as the X-Wing content is the minority of the content published.

Battlefield in a box Lasertürme

A german language unboxing of the Battlefield in a box that you may have seen for sale. The video quality is pretty poor, I get the impression that it was filmed on a phone camera held vertically and the cropped to be a more square aspect ratio.

If your interested in the product the video is worth wathching to get an idea of what you might be in for.

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Hi everyone. 
Just wanted to give a short update mostly because this week has been a pretty slow week as far as content published to youtube. This was a welcome releif after last week where so many store championships got uploaded that I was going through more than 5 videos a day. 
So I wanted to get a post up to explain what's going on. I like to save some of the best looking matches on youtube to be able to watch at a time when I can be more comfortable and enjoy it better so if you've seen a match uploaded to youtube recently that is probably what is happening. 
Also I stopped putting scores on the videos. I really couldn't bring myself to give a low rating on any video, and I didn't want video publishers to think that me giving a score of 6/10 as being that I didn't like their work. Also with a score it makes it seem more like they need to improve, whereas I would like to see them improve, that doesn't mean I think that publishers should go out and buy a new HD camera. My comments are more aimed at helping publishers identify faults and choose to improve on them within their own means. 
Also the comments I make on a video are also for you readers to help you identify if the video is worth your time.

Last Saturday I published a "turning point" article which a good many of you read, I've already got plans to do another one this weekend which may be even more interesting. 

I'm also looking to start including podcasts in the blog with a little twist. Stay tuned to see the first of those posts soon. 

I hope that everyone is finding the blog useful in some capacity and I hope things keep getting better. 

Episode 1 – DM, Fliegerasse der Rebellen, TIE Phantom, YT 1300

The Tatooine Pirates (German channel) appear to have recorded a podcast and have chosen to upload all of the available episodes up to YouTube over a backdrop of static images. To prevent over clutter I have grouped all five videos together into this one post due to the lack of actual video content. If you are German I should imagine that this podcast is available through other methods searching for Piratensender Tatooine on your podcast feed of choice.

My 2015 thought and view Star Trek Attack Wing and Star Wars X Wing Min...

This appears to be a Vlog of somebody sharing their thoughts of Star Trek Attack Wing and X-Wing. The problem is it is 30 minutes long and the audio quality from the hosts microphone is terrible. Add to that the meandering nature of his free form thoughts it was very difficult for me to follow along and I bounced out after 6 mins.

All in all I think the video is more about attack wing and X-wing but just based on the audio alone I'd have to tell you to avoid watching.

Episode XIV - X-Wing Battle Report - TCAces Round 2 - Sozin vs Starsli...

Another Vassal report from the Outer rim Smugglers as they bring us a round 2 match from the Team covenant aces event currently taking place.

This game is interesting because it uses a great deal of unreleased content. The autothrusters upgrade makes an appearance on Soontir Fel and no less than 5 TIE Advanced on the playfield featuring both the advanced targeting computer and the accuracy corrector unreleased upgrade cards.

Take a look and see if the newly buffed TIE Advanced get a fair shake of it in this match up.

X-Wing Wave 5 Unboxing - VT-49 "Decimator"

This video was obviously recorded back to back with the YT-2400 unboxing. All of the comments i made in that review apply to this video and can be found in this post

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Star Wars X Wing Le Jeu de Figurines Tantive IV

A basic video with a pic of a model and the flavour text from the back of the box in french. Terrible music.

Mayday from Semros X Wing Battle Report 4B Prototype

Wandering Inn Studios continues their narative campaign with a large scale dogfight.

This game is long and drawn out for the majority of the video, largely due to the sheer number of ships in play.

The two players are obviously enjoy playing the game however the imperial player/host seems to be a little keen to let the rebels win.

The video quality is good with a handheld cam in that Law and Order style of having the camera move constantly and getting right up in the action to make it all clear.

Star Wars X-Wing board game

A Short clip of the game being played at some convention. I'm not sure anybody had the heart to tell that one dude he was flying the GR-75 in reverse.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Squad Building Tips For Beginners (Ep. 70)

Dad's Gaming addiction is a channel that has been contributing to the X-Wing community for a while now. This is an instructional video the help explain the most basic points of Squad building for X-Wing. A good video for people new to the game or for younger players.

Star Wars X-wing Battle Report 002 - Imperial vs Imperial (TL)

Video was uploaded at the pretty much at the same time as the video covered in this post so check that for further information regarding the video.

Star Wars X-wing Battle Report 003 - Imperial vs Rebel (TL)

The Lords of War publishes another batrep, this time shot with a stationary camera but through timelapse.

Video is clear and well lit, and the birdseye view gives a clear view of the entire playfield at all times. The timelapse however is too fast to be able to read the game adequately and most of the game flashes by with no clue as to what is happening.

X-Wing Mission 1: Political Escort

FNP Wargamers publish their second X-wing video where they start to play through the mission scenarios published in the rule books.

There are various playtrhoughs of the Political escort mission on YouTube and this one does nothing to stand out from the rest.

Shot on a handheld camera video quality is good. Audio however suffers a little and the background music could do with being a little quieter.

Monday, 19 January 2015

X-Wing Store Championships 2015 Recap

Sanctioned give us a brief highlight real of the quarter finals through to the final match of their store Championship.

The video is short, brief and fast paced to show some of the most decisive dice rolls of the eliminations. Theres no commentary or ambient noise but there is some techno music if thats your jam.

Sunday, 18 January 2015

X Wing Batrep 11 - The 1st Hunger Games

The Fly Casual channel recorded a specialist scenario game titled the Hunger Games. I had heard of this event being pioneered at the NoVa Open back in november and whilst it sounds interesting ad fun its kind of hard to conceptualise without actually seeing it.

This video gives a good demonstration of how the game is played between six people and explains most of the special rules in play.

The video quality of the playfield is a little subpar and grainy with tokens being specifically difficult to identify.

However the capable commentary covers all the action 100% with amiable hosts.

The game is pretty interesting too but I found myself left with a few questions regarding the special rules. I can't help but feel that the first ever guy to come up with the idea should use that mission control thing to create a more ratified ruleset that can be shared.

Star Wars X-wing Battle Report 001 - Imperial vs Rebels

The Lords of War channel brings us this batrep of some sibling rivalry. Presented with a handheld camera, the activation phases are skipped but briefly summed up by the host before fully filming the combat phase.

For some reason in they have uploaded this video in a 4:3 ratio even though they appear to have filmed in widescreen. They've used the letterbox bars on screen as free space to review the lists points cost whenever a ship is destroyed. In my case this left me watching footage which took up less than half of my screen for no reason whatsoever.

Clarity and quality are not as important in handheld videos as the host always gets the camera right up in the action.

The conversation between the two players is a bit one sided and would have been more interesting had the younger brother taken a more active role in discussing the events.

The game is pretty standard with the new wave 5 ships and heavy firepower ending the game quickly.

Saturday, 17 January 2015


A short teaser video to promote a Mexican based X-Wing group.

Star Wars X-Wing (épisode 1)

A brief text scroll in french to promote a tournament

The turning point: Post match analysis.

So with a bit of free time this afternoon I wanted to experiment with a little idea I've had for a more in-depth analysis of key moments in a match.
Now before I go into further details which might be spoilery I suggest you take the chance to watch the Shuffle and Cut invitational video below, then join me after the jump where we will get into the meat of this post.

BATTLE REPORT #7 - "Kenkirk & Ysanne" vs " New Tres Amigos"

Another batrep from the Italian X-Wing Academy. This time it seems the video quality has dropped a little due to a different filming location than normal. Even so most of the action is easy to follow even if the dutch angle is a little annoying.

The game is well paced and interesting, even for those who don't know Italian.

400P Epic Corvette mit A Wing Schwarm gegen Imperialem Gefangenen Transp...

A German language huge epic game with a ton of ships on the board, Even with time-lapsing through the activation phases the video is still over two hours in length, and a high level of German will be needed to follow along with the action.

Ep 04: Exemplo de Gameplay

Another Portuguese instructional video from xwing miniatures game brasil. In this video the host gives a demostration of a game in progress.

Friday, 16 January 2015

X-Wing Shuffle and Cut Winter 2014 Invitational Finals Match

Excellent game. Looks like Max Gingold made to the final match at the shuffle and cut store championship and played an excellent game. I'm gonna take a minute to say that whilst the video quality is the same as all the other videos that Max has uploaded over the last week the audio in this one is slightly better which I guess is down to the store being quieter and as such less background noise and the majority of the conversation between the players is clear.

Torneo X-Wing Lets play

Another promotional teaser for the Lets PlayMX Tournament

Spectreverse X wing Episode 2

Benito Senence uploads a narrative campaign battle report featuring two VT-49s, two YT-1300s and a YT-2400, meaning the table is pretty much a parking lot for most of the game.
The video quality is pretty poor but as the game was being filmed by a third non-participant it gets up close to the action In a Law and Order style making everything clear and easy to follow along. On top of this they've used some low level editing to make demonstrate when hits land by making shield/damage cards appear on screen before being blown apart. All this makes for an enjoyable video and the narrative elements introduced into the game are imaginative.

Was ist im Star Wars x-wing Miniaturenspiel Tie-Jagdbomber drin - Unboxi...

ChefoberbossM is a german channel with a long history of 40K video content. In the last few months a few X-Wing unboxings have appeared on the channel, This time he's unboxing a TIE Defender.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss Builds: Rogue Squadron #3

Michiel van Rooijen has been uploading high quality videos for the best part of a year so I´m glad I finally got a chance to include one of his new uploads on the Blog.

Michiel has managed to find himself a small niche in the x-wing community doing something that nobody else seems to do. His Vlogs are in depth discussions normally focused on a particular unique pilot and in this case a full 100 point squad. The host takes us through the particular characteristics of the ships, pilots and upgrade cards that he has chosen and gives a pretty in depth and insightful explanation of the possibilities available to the list at hand.

on top of this the video quality is excellent and only occasionally hampered by the slow auto focus on his camera. His audio is crisp and clear and although he has an accent he speaks in a calm and purposeful rhythm that makes him easy to understand.

Check out his videos, and I´m sure you will find something you've probably never thought of.

X-wing pre ramble

Another brief Vlog entry from the DiceMiniaturePaintGuy showing the setup for a game. I´ll keep an eye out to see if he uploads further videos from this game.

"VLOG" #1 - Annuncio Torneo presso il D20 Games a Roma

A quick Vlog from the Italian X-Wing academy to promote and upcoming store championship.

CouplesGrade vs X-Wing: 2015 Store Champs and Upcoming Releases!

The Weapons Grade Channel hosts a google hangout freeform discussion regarding recent x-wing events and news.
Some interesting talking points are covered in this video such as whether the Margin of Victory Tiebreaker method has actually dictacted the two ship meta that we find ourselves drowning in right now.

Custom Handmade Battlemat made for Star Wars X-Wing

A speed paint video showing the painting of a custom play field.

Torneo X-Wing en Lets Play proximamente

Spanish Language channel Lets PlayMX are a new channel with very few videos but today they released this video teaser promoting an upcomming X-Wing Tournament.

NYC X-Wing Finals @ Twenty Sided Store 1/11/15

The NYCXWing channel brings a store championship final. Once again the Wave 5 Meta reigns supreme as this final table features only four ships on the play field, of which three are wave 5 ships.
The video quality could be improved with better lighting and if using a fisheye lens on your camera try to get it as close to directly above the center of the play field. otherwise the far side of the board is just too distant and with the poor lighting any small details past the midpoint of the table are very difficult to make out.
The commentary has improved since their first video and they fill dead air well and keep the viewer interested. There are also much fewer "umms" and "ahs" in this video.

X-Wing GNK Round 2 - 3x Phantom vs Phantom/Interceptor/Vader

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X-Wing GNK Round 1 - AABZ vs 3x Firespray

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

Wookies on X-Wing: Rebel Aces Demo Game

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

NGN - Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Rebel Aces Unboxing!

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

Wargamer Fritz Miniature Wargaming Channel

A short promotional slideshow of images featured on the Fritz40k channel. Whilst the majority of the content on the channel is 40K oriented, X-wing does get regular coverage.

ORS: Episode XIII - Battlereport - TCAces Round 1 - Morgan vs Scott final

Another Vassal Report from the Outer Rim Smugglers.

This is an excellent game between Mr Froggies from the Scum and Villainy podcast and Morgan Reid, world championship runner-up. In this video the guys have not included the dice roll sounds so keep a close eye on that dice roll box so as not to miss anything.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 1 1/10/2015

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.

2015 Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game Store Championship Adam Melton vs ...

Another video from FCB Comics and Games Store championship. This match I was able to catch on the stream and it was an excellent game right down to a nail biting finish.

2015 Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game Store Champ FINALS James Matchett ...

The FCB Comics and Games store in atlanta held their store championship on saturday and decided to do a marathon twitch stream for the whole day. I was able to catch most of the play but due to being in a different time zone I was not able to stay up long enough to watch the final. The next day I tried the twitch archive but the image quality was terrible. So I'm Glad to see that they were able to save the final match to publish on YouTube. The video quality is nothing special but after having spent the last 13 hours streaming through twitch I'm not surprised. The twitch stream was pretty impresive for its quality and for their first time broadcasting an event they did pretty well.
Whilst the video may not be perfect the commentary is indepth, informatiove and interesting as well as announcing the dice rolls and actions, Making the game very easy to follow along.
Given the current wave 5 meta it's also interesting to see a list in the final with only B-wings and Z-95s.
Deffinately a great video to watch and an interesting match. subscribe to the channel and lets see if they can stream more events in the future and hopefully record better quality video.

Wookies on X-Wing Unboxing Wave 5 - The Outrider

Northern Gaming features an unboxing video of the YT-2400.

The audio quality is poor on this video as noted in the video description due to a microphone malfunction. That said the conversation between the two "Wookiee" hosts is easy enough to understand so the audio problems are only a minor annoyance.

The only problem with the video is that it is a little dark, also some closeups of the model would be a good idea for an unboxing video.

Star Wars X-Wing Rd 2 Tournament Dec 2014

Another high quality game from Dogs of War Gamings Channel. My thoughts on their videos can be found here.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 4 1/10/2015

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 5 1/10/15

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.

X Wing Video 3 Mission 5

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X-Wing Video 2

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X-Wing Video 1

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X wing JR vs NT 12 11 14

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X wing 12 20 14 Match 1 - NT vs LS

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all YouTube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X wing 12 20 14 Match 2 NT vs JR

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all youtube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X-wing 1-10-15 Nick vs Jeff

In this channel focus series I will be publishing all the videos found on a specific channel to help complete the blog as a directory for all youtube content. video analysis will not be necessary as the most recent video by the publisher has already been analysed.

X-Wing Video 4

Fortuitos gaming has uploaded a handful of videos in the past month and seems to be shaping up to be a channel that will have more content coming soon. 
The video quality is excellent with excellent focuses and all game elements identifiable. But I would prefer to see the camera a little higher and a lower angle so as to better cover the far edge of the play field which can seem a bit distant. 
The audio track is very very low so the volume will have to be turned up high. If you do choose to listen to the table talk there's not much chatter between the players, although to their credit they do a great job of announcing their actions so that it is very easy to follow along. 
A good video and I look forward to seeing more.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 2 1/10/2015

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 3 1/10/2015

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

[Tutorial] Maletín personalizado para miniaturas

A Spanish language tutorial showing how to cut packaging foam to make a personalised carry case.

X-wing 1-10-15 Nick vs Darrell

Nick Taylors Channel includes a handful of similar videos which i will be including in later posts. All of his videos are shot with what appears to be a fish eye lens, which leads to a slight distortion of the play area and a greater view of the surrounding area. I would personally prefer a camera setup that favoured the play field more and gave less view of the players legs as they mill about the table.
the play is quite slow and the audio is nonexistent so I would recommend using the play speed option on the youtube website to watch it at double speed (click the gear icon in the corner of the player).
The table is well lit and the use of the standard cardboard tokens makes it easy to identify whats going on at all times even without 1080p.

X-Wing Miniatures EPIC Play Battle Report: Run The Blockade

A Photo slideshow summary of an epic game. Some good quality closeup pictures.

Mayday from Semros X Wing Battle Report 4A

An interesting narative campaign played by two canadiens.whilst most of the battlereport is seen through a hand held camera, there is a second static camera that could be used more such as during activation phase would give the player holding the camera both hands free, then change to the handheld camera for the combat phase. Use of the handheld camera does make all aspects of the game very clear.
The players are not the most experienced and this is most telling as the battle gets more drawn out towards the end. although the game does have an interesting conclusion

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Top 8 1/10/15

More videos from the Game cafe store championship.
Looks like they had a lot of people playing similar lists.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championships Top 4 1/10/15

More videos from the game cafe store championship. This one being interesting as both sides feature both Echo and Whisper.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Round 6 1/15/2015

More videos from the game cafe store championship.

Game Cafe X-Wing Store Championship Finals 1/10/15

A pretty interesting game here as Chewbacca and Eaden Face off against Echo and Whisper, deffinatley worth a watch.
There is currently no audio as the publisher promises to later add commentary so might be worth holding off until the commentary is availble.
That said the video quality is pretty good considering that it is only in 720p. excellent clarity and a colorful play field make it easy to identify most tokens etc. Dice rolls as always are hard to make out so a jump to 1080p would be very useful.

Monday, 12 January 2015

Magia y X-Wing con Alimix

A spanish language TV show from Chile features a brief explanation of the game by an enthusiast, who is also an amateur magician and DJ. Skip to 3:50 for the X-Wing content.

Ep 02: Componentes, Montagem e Cartas

A Brasilian review/instructional video series of the X-Wing Miniatures Game.

GBHL James talks X wing with Sai Harris

A quick interview with a tournament organiser. I´ve seen the guy on the lefts battle report videos a few months back and they're not as bad as he says and I will make sure to include them on the blog soon.
Sound quality is pretty low and it can be hard to understand the conversation.


A promo video for a game store tournament on November 23rd, not sure if this is super advance promotion work or if its a left over video they decided to update.

xwing test timelapse game

A brief experiment in creating a time lapse battle report. Unfortunately nothing can really be made out from the video mostly because the action is so far from the camera but also because the time-lapse is not very smooth.
However I will be keeping an eye on this channel to see how the experiments evolve.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Let's Play Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game

A heavily condensed timelapse battle report. On screen overlays communicate the higlights of the game and animations help to demosntrate when damage is dealt to the ships.

Its also a welcome change right now to see ships other than wave 5 and phantoms getting some play.

The timelapse is an interesting choice but a slow more in depth battle report would be more interesting to watch.

Score: 7/10

Build-A-Squad: Lone Wolf

Crabbok explores the list possibilities for the lone wolf upgrade card. 

X-Wing Shuffle and Cut Winter 2014 Invitational Top 8 featured match

Same comments and score as the previous post found here. And I'm starting a new Bling tag here for the players in these videos with all their tournament prize transparent dice, movement templates custom tokens etc.

X-Wing Shuffle and Cut Winter 2014 Invitational Top 4 featured match

The videos on this channel are just barebones battle reports from a local game store. The videos are pretty much recorded and published directly toYouTube. This I approve of but there are a few small changes that could be done to improve the viewer experience.
A good place to start would be to zoom the camera a little closer to the play field. Whilst it can be interesting to see the table edges to the left and right for damage cards etc. the inclusion of the table top below and above the play-field generally wasted a quarter of the screen space. Also zooming closer to the play-field would make smaller details such as dice rolls and tokens discernible. 
The players at this store use a bunch of acrylic tokens and not all are standard. There are some orange tokens that I think are critical effect markers but most strange are some free standing target lock markers that can be a bit difficult to make out depending on their orientation to the camera.
Recording in the local game store has a lot of background noise, and the weak on board microphone on the device is not able to pick up the two players conversation adequately. 
Another help would be to edit out the planning phase of each turn, this would help condense the video down considerably. 
The game in question is an interesting matchup between two nearly identical lists and is definately worth a watch, just a shame it is so hard to follow. 
And one last thing. What's the deal with these VT-49's and their pegs, fantasy flight delayed their release because they were unhappy with quality, you think they would have noticed this issue.
Score: 6/10

X-wing Thursday - Mike vs John

Warning video contains frequent use of explicit language.
This video opens up with a disclaimer noting that it is a test video and that explicit language is used.
Image quality is grainy as if the video has been upscaled, although a well lit play area makes it easy to identify ships. Judging from the watermark in the corner the video seems to have been shot edited and uploaded from a mobile device. Although being an imperial vs imperial game and with no other way to tell the ships apart there are times were if you look away for a moment you'd be hard pressed to tell which interceptor is which. Some markers or something would be a good idea to help distinguish each team.
Due to the video quality dice rolls are hard to make out, although the players call out the majority of the results, having the players roll dice on the table half closest to the camera can make a huge improvement to this.
In the case of this vid there is no commentary just the conversation between the two players, as such there are lengthy periods of silence. Add to this the microphone doesn't have much range and so at normal conversation levels the voices are too low, so you turn the volume up, and then when something happens and the players erupt into shouting, which forces you to turn the volume down again. You will probably find yourself fluttering the volume up and down for the entire video.
Lastly the lists are never discussed in the video or included in the description.
Being as how it is a test video it looks like they are hoping to do a lot better in the future.
Score: 6/10

5 years old empire wing commander Kaşif E. Odabaş

Title says it all really, Turkish five year old playing X-Wing. I'll never understand why people insist on shooting video in vertical orientation.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

X wing Asteroides Escenografia 3D

A Spanish language demonstration of some home made asteroids for X-wing made out of Dry/Floral Foam.
Score: N/A

X Wing batrep 11 - Gold Squad vs Royal Guards

Fly casual publish a well presented batrep of a casual game store game.

The commentary is good and but as always frequent pauses leave the viewer a little distracted at times.

The video quality is a little poor and an details are unclear although the commentators do a good job of describing the dice rolls and other action so that you are kept abreast of game events. There is also a flourescent light that is strobing and causing a reflection on the play field. That said however the game in question is pretty interesting.

Score: 7.5/10

TIE Advanced X1 - Imperial Raider Expansion | Thrawn's Field Test 2015| #1

German language Battle report field testing the newly revealed Tie advanced upgrade cards. Commentary is all in german but they have included the lists played in the description by way of a link to the (Yet Another) X-Wing Miniatures Squad Builder. Activiation phases are sped up slightly (no too much as everything as it is still easy to follow) which helps condense the video down nicely. The use of coloured target lock/ID tokens makes to a lot clearer for the viewer to trace which ship loses shields or takes damage etc. The number ID tokens can be very hard to make out even in HD video, so these colored tokens are an excellent choice.

The far edge of the play table is a bit dark and could be helped by a second light source in the room, however for this game most of the action is in the middle to near edge of the play field so is not too bad. The players also make an effort to keep the dice rolls within the middle near edge of the play field so dice results are clearly visible.

The german is not too obtrusive so international viewers can follow along comfortably, and they even use english vernacular for most technical terms (hit, range), so memorising the german for one to five will give you all the help you need. critical damage cards are shown on screen in english making this video even more accesible for the international audience.
This video is an excellent example of homemade x-wing content and it is obvious that the publishers have put a lot of thought into their presentation.
Score: 8.5/10

About this blog.

I wanted to start this blog and get a good couple of posts up before I started to draw attention to it. Soon I will be posting on forums to let people know of it's existence which is likely to bring in a large number of people and I wanted to make it clear in this post exactly what I am trying to do with this blog.
I like the X-Wing miniatures games a lot but don't get to play much. I do watch videos on YouTube daily and I'm always looking for new ones. As searching videos on YouTube can be quite difficult I thought I would make this blog so that others are able to come here and find a directory of nearly all x-wing videos easily browsable. I'm also tagging the videos with the aim that if someone wants to learn strategies to play as or against a VT-49 Decimator then they can choose the tag and find all the videos featuring that ship easily. 
I have also chosen to review the majority of videos and score them. These reviews are based solely on how good of a production the video is. The points made are not to deride the video publishers but more to give them constructive feedback on things they could improve to make their videos better. The end point being that all X-Wing videos will be of a broadcast quality which will help expand the hobby and bring in new players, who knows maybe we'll even have a 24 hour TV channel in the future, XSPN. 
The scores are not meant as a rubric across all videos, but instead a marker of how well the video has been made. I have previously stated that all X-Wing videos are worth watching to me and would be 10 out of 10 just for existing, the scores are just a way of measuring the videos quality compared to the potential present in each case. Not all videos have to be to the standard of Team Covenant or Sanctioned, that would be too costly and time consuming to be able to produce videos on a mass scale. 
Even two guys in their house with a camera can produce an excellent quality battle report and the more people doing things like X-Wing Academy the better. 
I'm also brand new to blogging and I know I've got to do a bit of CSS work to normalise my post layout and make everything more efficient. And just as I am giving feedback to the video creators any feedback on how I can improve the blog is greatly appreciated. 
I hope you all enjoy the blog and find it useful. 

About this blog - Part 2

I also thought I would give a little insight into how I find and watch the videos included in the blog.
At the moment the focus of the blog is on newly published content. Granted there are plenty of excellent videos on YouTube, but it would be too difficult for me to go through all of them.
Instead focusing on newly published content gives me the opportunity to give feedback to publishers before they start their next project. It also means that as people follow this blog I will also be driving new traffic to the newly published videos to increase view counts which is a great help for the publishers.
To do this I check on YouTube various times a day and search only "x-wing" and then filter the results to only show me the uploads made today (last 24 hours). I then go pretty far down the list until I am sure I've found just about everything. I am guessing that any video regarding the X-Wing miniatures game would at the least use the word x-wing at some point so should show up in the list.
It may also interest you to know how I watch the Videos, on occasion I will watch on PC but the majority of the time I am watching on a 46" smart TV with a YouTube on TV app installed. This app always defaults to the best quality available for a video should the connection speed be able to support streaming it, for this reason I have the tv connected through Ethernet cable instead of WI-FI to provide the lowest latency possible and as such the best possible quality. Whilst watching I am sat approximately 2.5 meters away on my couch.
As such when I comment that certain details are hard to make out on a video, I am sat roughly 2.5 meters away from a 46" screen. Maybe if you are watching a video on a PC monitor and you are only 30 cm away from the screen everything may seem perfectly legible. But as I have mentioned before I am trying to help contribute to this community to give it more widespread appeal. Nobody sits around a PC to watch any other sporting event (unless it is because they have no other alternative), so why should it be any different for a game like X-Wing.
Whilst before I have said my focus will be on newly published videos, I do intend to add older videos to the blog to try to have a more complete selection for any visitors, things like the X-Wing strategy tips channel, whilst not having published anything in a while, has excellent instructional videos that are very useful for newcomers to the game and so I will be looking into posting regarding those videos soon. Also important battle reports from worlds and nationals will also be on the back list. If anyone has any ideas for any videos that they feel should be included please feel free to let me know.

Friday, 9 January 2015

Imperial Raider-class Corvette - Star Wars Minute #3

A brief introduction to the Imperial Epic ship, Photo slideshow format. not much else to say.
Score: N/A

DIY Paper Airplane Star Wars X Wing | Origami Anleitung PAPIERFLIEGER / ...


Hampaat irvessä 3: Snufa vs. Krank 100p

Saw this one a few days ago but wanted to make sure I included it as its a pretty good video. It's a Finnish channel but the video is well presented and the action/dice rolls are clear enough to follow along. Video quality is a little lacking, and the play field is a bit too dark but otherwise a good effort.

Score: 6.5/10


This is the first video I've seen from TheBleepUpPodcast. they have put a lot of effort into production creating screen overlays and sections to show dice rolls clearly to the viewer. This is a good idea but i cant help but feel that too much real estate is occupied on the screen. In particular there is a giant box for demonstrating the maneuver selected. For demonstrating a single digit number and an arrow this information is enormous and the space taken spends the majority of the video blank because the activation phase is a relatively short part of the game which just demonstrates how wasted this space is. In fact all of the sections of the overlay are not in use 100% of the time and they could have been reduced to overlays that fade in and out as needed, see Sanctioned's most recent videos for a good example of how this can be achieved. Doing so would also allow the playfield to occupy more of the screen giving a better view of the game in progress.
All in all the video is an excellent effort but i just think they tried too hard and went a little too hard on the presentation. Simplicity would be a much better approach to make future videos much more interesting.
Score: 6.5/10

BATTLE REPORT #6 - "Decimate the Rebels" vs " Green Squadron Ready For B...

This is an italian battle report so I'm not going into too much detail.
Even so the video is of high quality and all the action is clear and understandable even if you dont speak italian. I've seen these guys videos before and they demonstrate how easy it can be to set up a camera on a tripod in your home and start making your own battle reports. Deffinately worth a look.
Score: 8/10

Star Wars X-Wing Rd 1 Tournament Dec 2014

Dogs of war Gaming's channel has been producing battle reports on X-wing for a while and it shows. Superb image quality in 1080p with an excellent view of the play field and surrounding area which helps see damage cards and shield tokens being assigned and removed respectively. The play mat is very nice, not being glossy to prevent reflections from ceiling lights and not too black so that obstacle tokens are clearly visible.

Commentary is particularly competent and interesting but there are pauses and mistakes that let down the high standards. Battle in question is an imperial on imperial match up which is heavily rooted in the wave 5 meta with a VT-49 and tie phantom vs a VT-49 and TIE Defender.

As a point of note for all future content I would suggest that if you're not gonna put list details on screen at least make sure that you put the full lists played in the video description. There's no way we can read the cards on the table even in HD.

Another point of interest is that in the Dogs of War Gaming's channel the star wars dice app makes a regular appearance, so for those who are curious about the app but unsure of paying the $5 for it can get a pretty good idea of how it works.

Score: 8/10

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Echapper belle Xwing beny hill rev1

A three hour epic game condensed into a five minute time lapse most notable for how many people it took to play the large game(even by epic standards). Theres not much to see here really as the game action is too small to actually know whats going on, the host has a few vignettes of the action more closeup on his channel but still not much to speak of. The video in question here is more like watching x-wing being played over CCTV for those more voyeuristic amonst us.

Score: 5/10

X-Wing Miniatures - Game Night Round 3 Vader/Whisper/Jax vs. Fel/DoomShu...

A cool Batrep from a game store game night where two imperial lists go head to head. Image quality is very good on this video with an interesting low angle view of the play surface and high definition video making it very easy to follow along with the game. back ground audio is at a level where it is unobtrusive to the commentators whilst still giving enough information from the players, at one point a crit is clearly read out by one of the players ( a rare occurence in x-wing vids where you are normally left guessing which crit is dealt). Dice rolls are also easily discernable. The commentators are interesting if a bit slow at times, a better pace would help hold the viewers attention better.

The only complaint I'd have regarding the camera angle is that the models on the far edge of the table are not visible, their bases are, but if there were several small base ships battling along that edge it would be hard to tell which is which.

Overall a good quality video from a channel that is worth a subscription to see what more they can come up with.

Score: 8/10


High Speed unboxing of the spanish language version of the Firespray-31. Interesting sidenote in the spanish language version of X-wing all ship names are translated (TIE fighter = Caza TIE, X-wing = Ala-X etc.), the Firespray is the only exception (this can be seen on the maneuver dial at 1:49). Excellent high quality video but not much else to speak of.

Score: 6/10

Star Wars X-Wing Mission Log - Killer Whisper Build &

X wing mission log is the Vlog of a relative new comer to the game. As instructional videos go for inexperienced players the videos on the channel are investigative and thoughtful. I would suggest that when demonstrating maneuver strategies on the table top that the host should ensure that the play area is well lit and when possible take advantage of zoom or camera positioning to better show what is going on.

In the case of his Killer whisper build video the play area used for his demonstration is relatively small, and so zooming in on the action would have made for a much clearer image to help make out the upgrade cards and tokens that he is placing.

also the host has a habit of uploading several videos at once, and I would suggest looking for ways to space out his content.

Score: 7/10

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

X-Wing Battle Report 333vs333

A timelapse batrep produced at such a high speed that theres not much reporting going on, its more like a stop motion animation of a battle. No commentary is provided so depsite it being filmed in germany all audiences will get the same experience. Image quality is pretty poor which i suppose has more to do with trying to fit an entire epic play field on screen than anything else, maybe also a slight improvment of focus would have helped. no information is provided in regards to the lists or pilots involved in the game so viewing can be a bit tedious but at least its over fast.

Score: 6/10

Unable to embed so direct link:

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures VT-Decimator

Basic unboxing of the wave 5 imperial ship. no really much to say, the host thorougly covers the content. The lack HD resolution and close-up views of the cards let down the presentation.
Score: 6/10

Battle Report ;Star Wars X-wing ( incl.the corvette )

This is a casual batrep of a team epic game played between four British guys. The host has shot the video on a mobile phone as round summaries, that's to say that at the end of each round the players give a brief summary and discussion of each rounds play. This is an interesting format but gives little insight into the actual game played.
Shooting video on a mobile phone is touch and go at best, the focus is often very muddied and the voice of the camera operator is picked up fine on the microphone but anyone else more than a foot and a half from the device are much lower in volume making it a bit difficult to make out everything being said. A dedicated video camera if available would provide a considerable improvement to image and sound clarity. 
Even so this is an example of how easy it can be to put out a batrep for x-wing, in the case of a standard dogfight this type of summary can be very effective.
Score: 6.5/10

ORS: Episode XII - Battlereport Sigzog vs Luke
The Outer Rim Smugglers channel runs battle reports from vassal log files. In this case one of the commentators was one of the participants. Speaking of the commentary the two individuals are chatty and agreeable although their accents may make it difficult for some viewers to understand them. Even so they do an excellent job maintaining the chatter and commenting with very little dead air. This of course is made easier for them by using a vassal log as the action moves along much quicker than a standard game.
With regards to the Vassall battle report it can be very informative and equally interesting. However I find that at times they seem to skip through the log file a little too quickly making it dificult to follow all the dice rolls.
The production quality of Outer Rim Smugglers is very good, with ship stats being prominently displayed on the screen at all times and animations and sound cues used to inform of shield/ hull hits. They also present the full lists played at the begining of the video in a very clear manner.
The Outer Rim Smugglers have produced about a dozen of these videos so far and the draw factor of their videos in my opinion is the insightful commentary, the down side being that they use vassall logs. 
Score: 8/10

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

X-Wing - FFG Worlds 2014 - Top 4 - Game 1

This is a battle report of two time world champion Paul Heaver's 2014 semifinal.
This is an interesting game to watch as it includes a head to head between toe almost Identical fat Han lists. The only difference being that Paul took R2-D2 as a crew member whilst his opponent took gunner. As such this game is a perfect demonstration of the difference R2-D2 can make in the fat Han mirror match and is definately worth a watch. 
Team covenant bring their excellent standard of quality to the production of this video with clear high video quality and informative graphic overlays to keep you informed of what's happening at any point in the game. They include an action bar for each ship highlighting the action taken for each turn in green. In the case of this video they have chosen to remove all other actions once an action is chosen, in this case I prefered how they did it in their previous videos of the gen-con finals where the action bar stayed integral throughout the video. I suppose that option of removing the superfluous actions was to demonstrate when a ship had finished it's actions ( most notable when push the limit is involved). I would rather suggest that the actions not taken are greyed out whilst actions taken remain highlighted in green. It would also be nice to include the actions added to the action bar by upgrade cards (millenium falcon title adds evade I on to the action bar).
Lastly team covenant also choose to number the ships in the play area to help with identification. These numbers are way too small even in 1080p to be clearly made out. I would suggest increasing their size by about 50%. 
The comentary is handled by team covenants staple x-wing duo which handle the commentary very well. However as this is a fat Han mirror match the late game becomes drawn out with little action which leaves the commentators with not very much to say and there are frequent pauses with dead air. This should be avoided as much as possible and can easily be filled with idle commentary maybe discussing other aspects of the game. 
All in all the videos from team covenant are an example to follow and they have commented in past that they are working hard to produce more x-wing content on a quicker time scale.
Score: 9/10

X-Wing Finals @ The Compleat Strategist 1/3/15

A new channel NYCXWing bring their first battep to us featuring a game heavily entrenched in the Wave 5 meta with only four ships on the table. Sadly this is not the most interesting of games largely due to a series of errors by one of the players making it a very one sided affair. 
The production quality is low and almost guerrilla in nature. Poor image quality leads to some fristration especially when reading dice throws and tokens placed on the table. The commentators state they are aware of this and promise better quality in the future. Other areas for improvement are probably the game mat which due to a lot of light reflection makes it dificult to discern playfid of items such as an asteroid and debris field tokens in the lower left quadrant of the play area being almost invisible.  Including the lists information on screen has been handled very well considering but a bit more polish could have been applied to help presentation. 
The commentators are interesting and active although they have a heavy propensity for pausing and saying umm way too much. 
There are several rough edits that could be improved upon and it may be through fault of these edits that towards the end o the video the commentary track is roughly 20 seconds elated from the video. 
Without a doubt NYCXWing's video is an excellent example of how easy it is to set up a camera and make an informative battle report. For a first try they show a lot of promise and subscribing to their channel should be a good idea.
Score: 7/10

Monday, 5 January 2015

First post

This will be a basic introduction post to describe my aim in creating it. I'd also like to say I know nothing about blogging so this is going to be a leading process for me.
For nearly a year now I have been following and playing the X-wing miniatures game published by fantasy flight. Now my personal circumstances make it difficult to get any games in, instead I spend a good deal of my free time searching through youtube videos. The amount of videos being published on the subject of x-wing is steadily increasing and I whilst some channels are widely known and promoted, there are still lots of smaller channels occasionally posting content.
My aim with this blog for now was to publicise all the videos I find. A secondary phase of this project will be to include other x-wing content such as podcasts and news articles.
Whilst publishing each respective video I will also give a brief critical review. The purpose of this review is to give a more centralised and comparable feedback vector for these videos. Whilst I can safely say any x-wing content is good content, I want to give the feedback to help highlight where I think certain aspects could have been improved. This will culminate in a weekly summary post including a ranking of the videos published in the prior week. The timetable of this weekly period I've yet to nail down, please feel free to leave comments of whether you think it would be best to post it prior to the weekend, after the weekend etc.