Sunday, 11 January 2015

X-Wing Shuffle and Cut Winter 2014 Invitational Top 4 featured match

The videos on this channel are just barebones battle reports from a local game store. The videos are pretty much recorded and published directly toYouTube. This I approve of but there are a few small changes that could be done to improve the viewer experience.
A good place to start would be to zoom the camera a little closer to the play field. Whilst it can be interesting to see the table edges to the left and right for damage cards etc. the inclusion of the table top below and above the play-field generally wasted a quarter of the screen space. Also zooming closer to the play-field would make smaller details such as dice rolls and tokens discernible. 
The players at this store use a bunch of acrylic tokens and not all are standard. There are some orange tokens that I think are critical effect markers but most strange are some free standing target lock markers that can be a bit difficult to make out depending on their orientation to the camera.
Recording in the local game store has a lot of background noise, and the weak on board microphone on the device is not able to pick up the two players conversation adequately. 
Another help would be to edit out the planning phase of each turn, this would help condense the video down considerably. 
The game in question is an interesting matchup between two nearly identical lists and is definately worth a watch, just a shame it is so hard to follow. 
And one last thing. What's the deal with these VT-49's and their pegs, fantasy flight delayed their release because they were unhappy with quality, you think they would have noticed this issue.
Score: 6/10

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