A new channel NYCXWing bring their first battep to us featuring a game heavily entrenched in the Wave 5 meta with only four ships on the table. Sadly this is not the most interesting of games largely due to a series of errors by one of the players making it a very one sided affair.
The production quality is low and almost guerrilla in nature. Poor image quality leads to some fristration especially when reading dice throws and tokens placed on the table. The commentators state they are aware of this and promise better quality in the future. Other areas for improvement are probably the game mat which due to a lot of light reflection makes it dificult to discern playfid of items such as an asteroid and debris field tokens in the lower left quadrant of the play area being almost invisible. Including the lists information on screen has been handled very well considering but a bit more polish could have been applied to help presentation.
The commentators are interesting and active although they have a heavy propensity for pausing and saying umm way too much.
There are several rough edits that could be improved upon and it may be through fault of these edits that towards the end o the video the commentary track is roughly 20 seconds elated from the video.
Without a doubt NYCXWing's video is an excellent example of how easy it is to set up a camera and make an informative battle report. For a first try they show a lot of promise and subscribing to their channel should be a good idea.
Score: 7/10
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