Tuesday, 6 January 2015

X-Wing - FFG Worlds 2014 - Top 4 - Game 1

This is a battle report of two time world champion Paul Heaver's 2014 semifinal.
This is an interesting game to watch as it includes a head to head between toe almost Identical fat Han lists. The only difference being that Paul took R2-D2 as a crew member whilst his opponent took gunner. As such this game is a perfect demonstration of the difference R2-D2 can make in the fat Han mirror match and is definately worth a watch. 
Team covenant bring their excellent standard of quality to the production of this video with clear high video quality and informative graphic overlays to keep you informed of what's happening at any point in the game. They include an action bar for each ship highlighting the action taken for each turn in green. In the case of this video they have chosen to remove all other actions once an action is chosen, in this case I prefered how they did it in their previous videos of the gen-con finals where the action bar stayed integral throughout the video. I suppose that option of removing the superfluous actions was to demonstrate when a ship had finished it's actions ( most notable when push the limit is involved). I would rather suggest that the actions not taken are greyed out whilst actions taken remain highlighted in green. It would also be nice to include the actions added to the action bar by upgrade cards (millenium falcon title adds evade I on to the action bar).
Lastly team covenant also choose to number the ships in the play area to help with identification. These numbers are way too small even in 1080p to be clearly made out. I would suggest increasing their size by about 50%. 
The comentary is handled by team covenants staple x-wing duo which handle the commentary very well. However as this is a fat Han mirror match the late game becomes drawn out with little action which leaves the commentators with not very much to say and there are frequent pauses with dead air. This should be avoided as much as possible and can easily be filled with idle commentary maybe discussing other aspects of the game. 
All in all the videos from team covenant are an example to follow and they have commented in past that they are working hard to produce more x-wing content on a quicker time scale.
Score: 9/10

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