Friday, 10 April 2015

X-Wing - Covenant Store Championship 2015 - Finals

The final match from Team Covenant's store championship.

X Wing Tournament Report #5 Round 3. Turrents can get it done

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss Builds: Thug Lyfe #6

Michiel Van Rooijen explores the list possibilities surrounding the Syndicate Thug Y-Wing

NYC X-Wing Discussion Series: Episode 1 - Inside the Mind of a Champion

The NYC X-Wing team start a new series of discussion videos. To get their feet wet they discuss recent tournament results and the current status of the meta.

x-wing batalla / battle sharkgames 23

Spanish language channel SharkGamesTV features a friendly game between rebels and scum.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Spectreverse X Wing Episode 6 "Mirror Match"

After unboxing all the wave six releases, Benitio Senence produces a full scale battle report where they explore the possibility of playing both scum and villainy and the rebel alliance with the same ships.

The actual video suffers from some pretty poor focus issues which makes it a pretty difficult video to watch. The hosts however do a competent job of commentating the whole experience at least.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Reporte de Torneo de X Wing 22 de Marzo IV Jornada de la 2ª Valencia X W...

El Taller de Yila is a Spanish Wargaming blog. In this video the host gives us a report of the tournament which he paticipated in earlier that day.

X-Wing Unboxing - YT-2400

The 11th Legion unboxing of the YT-2400 expansion.

X Wing Unboxing VT 49 Decimator

The 11th Legion unboxing of the VT-49 Decimator.

The Cardboard Dungeon: X-Wing Ship Review - M3-A Interceptor

The Cardboard Dungeon unboxes the M3-A Interceptor.

TACTICAL TIPS #7 - Analisi delle nuove F.A.Q.

The Italian X-Wing Academy discuss the changes in FAQ version 3

The Flip Side Vlog - QuantumCon

A Couples Vlog diary of their trip to a convention and participating in an X-Wing tournament.

Unboxing: Star Wars X-Wing - Fliegerasse der Rebellen

German unboxing of the rebel aces from Do-it-Nevis

Embedding disabled on this video so click this link to watch

Star Wars X-Wing State Championship Florida Tournament Rd 1

The Dogs of War Gaming channel come strong out of the gate with this first round coverage of the Florida state championship. They do a great job of timelapsing the footage at a speed to condense the game down well but not so fast to be detrimental to the gameplay. An excellent little 30 minute battle report.

Unboxing X-Wing Ships reprinted

Just a Bunch of Nerds briefly unboxes the Millennium Falcon and TIE Interceptor expansions.

X-Wing Store Championship - Round 5

Round five from the Athena Games' store championship comes down to a real nail-biting finish so please take the time to watch the match through to the end, You'll thank me for it.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Store Champion Skirmish! X-wing Featured Match-B'Luke Squadron vs Double...

A second video from FCB Comics and Games league.

X-wing Featured Match-Roark's Roar vs New Phantom - 1 / 2

FCB Comics and Games continue to record their local league play. of interest in this match is that they are applying the new decloak rules two weeks before they come into effect. So for those that are still confused regarding the Changes to the decloak mechanic, this video should be able to help you out somewhat.

Pick-Up Game: Chase "Triple X" vs Tim "3 Squints"

Asheville Flight Club return after a short break from videos. Whilst their videos are of particularly low quality, the fact that the games played are not part of an organised tournament results in some interesting variety compared to the usual decimator/Whisper that we have seen run 25 times already. In the case of this video we see three X-Wings up against three TIE Interceptor.

ORS: Episode XXII - X-Wing Battle Report - Tabletop game #2

The Outer Rim Smugglers upload their second live game video, this time featuring a scum v scum battle.

X-Wing Miniatures Epic batrep: 600 point battle - Vader and Xizor

A battle report on a team epic game without epic ships.

X-Wing - Tulsa Store Championship 2015 - Top 4.1

Team Covenant's second semi final video from their store championship.

X-Wing - Tulsa Store Championship 2015 - Top 4.2

Team Covenant are making a concerted effort to release more X-Wing video content and improving their production quality. In the case of this recent batch of videos for example Steven is much less apathetic and does a much better job of keeping his end of the commentary up. They have also made those tiny little numbers, that they used to indicate which ship is which, a little bit bigger making them a lot easier to see. But it would seem that it's two steps forward one step back with Team Covenant as the numbers on the ship don't help you identify which ship is which. In the case of this match both players are playing the same list (mirror match) once the ships have mad a few turns it becomes hard to tell which falcon was from which team.Maybe if they took the oportunity to include the numbers on the ship lists at the edges of the screen. Also they have chosen to use a top down viewpoint which makes things more difficult to see.

Either way it is nice to see Team Covenant try to perfect their video presentations.

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament, Jacksonville Store Championship- Top 4 - 2...

Less Thank Geek brings another high level game from a Store Championship.

Star Wars X-Wing: Decimator

Host Darby Conway gives a brief summary of the contents of the VT-49 Decimator set against the backdrop of a photo sideshow.

X Wing Battle Report 6

Kristofer Bengtsson uploads video of the final match of a local store championship final.

Kristofer does an excellent job of providing a solo commentary track and especially considering that English is not his first language he has perfect pronunciation.

Once again the camera has been placed from a top down perspective and this results in the play field occupying very little screen real estate and more of the screen is dedicated to the players, and the ship cards than is really necessary.

X-Wing Store Championship - Round 4

Round four from the store championship in Norwich bought to you from the excellent Athena Games team.

X Wing Battle Report: Andy vs Nate

Santa Barbara Wargaming debuts their first X-Wing battle report of a friendly game with some of their local players who also provide commentary.
The camera has been hung directly above the playfield. Now this may seem like a good choice but I've found it results in the game detail being much flatter. I personally prefer when the camera is mounted alongside the play surface facing down at an angle of about 30 degrees. I find that from that angle the ships seem much closer and the 3D aspect of the models can be appreciated better. Also I find that the obstacle tokens also pop a little better of the table surface. There are also times when the TIE Phantom is quite hard to make out the actual model.
Another downside is that the top down view restricts the width of the play field to the same height as the screen. However TV screens are considerably wider than they are tall, meaning that there is a lot of unused space to the sides of the playfield. In the case of this video so that your not watching the two players legs move around they have edited out the excess space to the edges of the screen.
The commentary recorded by the two players is actually pretty good for a first try and they do an excellent job of keeping a pretty steady conversation for the whole duration of the game.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

X-Wing Miniaturenspiel - 200 Punkte - No Sound - 1 / 2

Raakasch is a PC Gaming channel and this appears to be their first attempt to produce a table top battle report.

The camera has been poorly setup to capture the playfield and less than half the screen is actually used for the playfield. as a result the dice rolls and tokens are so small that they become hard to identify.

There is also a complete lack of audio on the video so even if your German there is no clue as to what is actually happening at any given time.

To make things even more complicated this is a 200 point game and the video is unedited giving you a full three hours of silence and wobbly camera. If you manage to stick it out and watch the whole thing, well done you.

TIE Phantom Rules Changes and X-Wing Tournament Rules Updates

Charles gives a summary explanation of the recent changes to the decloaking mechanic.

Star Wars - Caught In The Trap

This is a small promotional video for a gaming group's narrative campaign. Sadly this only features a text crawl, other players groups have also taken to using 3D models and footage from other sources to piece together a more rounded narrative video.

FOCUS #2 - Keyan Farlander

The Italian X-Wing Academy discussl build options for Keyan Farlander.

How To Paint X-Wing Miniatures Firespray-31

Growler Model Painting uploads another re-paint video this time featuring the Firespray-31

X-Wing Miniatures: The Fleet Grows

Commissar Warwick updates us on his rapid descent into the X-wing rabbit hole.

X-Wing Miniatures batrep: Hunting the Rebels

A short battle report for a custom scenario.


Animated logo for a Portuguese X-Wing team

X-Wing Miniatures batrep: Bounty Hunt at 100 points

The Bounty Hunt mission played with a full 100 point list for each team.

X-Wing Miniatures mission batrep: Bounty Hunt at 48 points each

A short battle report on the Aggressor expansions Bounty Hunt mission.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Finals Shuffle and Cut Games

The Shuffle & Cut Store championship comes to a spectacular close with this truly epic final round where former world champion Dallas Pàrker throws Soontir and Chiraneau headlong into a dual Aggressor list run by Brandon Cating. Please make sure to watch this game all the way through to the end for some truly incredible X-Wing moments and behold, mouth agape and green with envy Dallas' multiple sets of transparent regional winners dice in the lower right corner of the screen.

Repainting an M3-A Interceptor for Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures

Jay Adan has had a long standing miniatures painting channel and it's been quite a while since he turned his brushes to an X-Wing miniature.
In this video Jay repaints the M3-A Interceptor, going to great lengths to explain to the viewer the brushes, paints and techniques being employed to get to the end result.
A full HD video would be appreciated but the 720p available more than provides the detail needed. And maybe some sections could have been timelapsed through to make the video a little more concise. But all things considered this Jay's videos are an excellent resource for anyone considering X-Wing re-paints.

X wing StarVipers Unboxing mp4

Spectre Wargamers Studio from Benito Senence discuss and unbox the StarViper.

Episode 7 Erwachen der Krebsmenschen FAQ Firespray 31 Z 95 Kopf...

Another podcast from the Pirates of Tatooine (German)

Monday, 30 March 2015

Another X-Wing Night - All Hail the Power of the Yeet

A totally unintelligible video showing the final dice roll in a hunger games match. Watch at your own peril.

X-Wing Tournament Asteroids by Combatzone Scenery - Product Review

A few months back a kickstarter prokect offered a bunch of X-Wing and Attack Wing accessories, chief among them were the asteroids included in this video.

Now whilst the asteroids look cool and the fact that the bases are the same size and shape as the asteroid tokens is interesting, I personally looked at them and found the bases to be too thick. When a ship is slightly overlapping an asteroid one part of the base will be considerably raised compared to another which I imagine will make the next movement more complicated. Also in the worst case scenario that you land a ship fully on the asteroid, in the middle of the base is an even higher raised section for the support for the actual asteroid. This would still leave you with a wobbly ship perched on top of the asteroid.

Maybe if someone else has had a go at this without any problems please let me know. But in the case of this product review actual gameplay is not covered rather in favour of showing the product itself and the painting of the rocks.

update 29marsh2015 X-Wing customs

DiceMiniaturePaintGuy gives us a quick and closeup look at his first forays into X-Wing re-paints.

star wars X wing miniatures game ship ability view

One of the younger X-Wing players gives us a rundown of his collection.

X-Wing Miniatures Game - Millenium Falcon Unboxing and Review

Charles Shumar rounds out his Wave 2 unboxing videos with the Millenium Falcon expansion.

X-Wing Miniatures Game - TIE Interceptor Unboxing and Review

Charles Shumar unboxes the TIE Interceptor expansion.

X-Wing Miniatures Game - Slave I Unboxing and Review

Charles Shumar unboxes the Firespray-31 expansion.

X-Wing Miniatures Game - A-Wing Unboxing and Review

The Charles Shumar war gaming channel uploaded a whole bunch of unboxing/review videos.

However for some reason the videos are filmed in pretty poor quality that make it look almost like it was recorded in the 1980's.

The actual review content of the video is interesting and insightful for anybody who is new to the game and wants to get an idea of what each expansion can do for you. In the first of his videos he unboxes the A-Wing

X Wing Build AABB (Jake Sings The Blues)

So today a new channel shows up X Wing Miniatures Battle Reports and Builds.

Their first video to be uploaded is a squad builder focused around Jake Farrel.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

ChalX-Wing Season 2 Episode 0

As a means to promote their current Indy gogo funding campaign the Chalk Board Game Reviews releases a preview episode of their battle reports, Promising that should they reach their funding goal they will produce twelve further battle reports.
For production values the Chalk are world class. Games are played in a well lit environment and video quality is as good as it gets with full 1080P HD and very clear focus at all times. At every point of the game all elements are fully recognisable including dice rolls where you can actually tell the difference between a focus and a critical hit result without needing the hosts to tell you. Then even take the time to include special effects such as laser blasts and explosions when attacks hit, although in this video they didn't seem to use too much of that.
The audio consists of the table talk between the two players which in most cases leads to a lot of silence however in this case the players are fully aware that they are being recorded and having produced videos for over a year now they are able to keep the conversation going at all times to keep the viewer interested. They even go into rules discussion and a little bit of hazing, all of which helps to make the experience even better for the viewer.
Overall the Chalk X-wing series are an excellent way to get your X-wing fix, and I would highly reccommend that you consider pledging on the indygogo campaign.

Chalkboard Update! ChalX-wing Season 2?

Chalk Board Game Reviews details their plans for a second 12 episode season of X-Wing battle reports titled ChalX-Wing

Star Wars X-Wing - Most Wanted Unboxing

Poor camera focus lets down an otherwise good unboxing of the Most Wanted expansion from The Big Geordie Geek

X-Wing Miniatures batrep: Before and After Phantom Nerf

Steve Smith uploads footage of two games featuring one played before the change to the decloaking mechanic. Even so as the video is presented as a round summary report so the actual difference in the mechanic is not seen, only that the player goofed and got his phantom blown up.

Max & Sam Xwing

Time laps of a game from above.

Star Wars Armada Unboxing and Review

Lessons in how not to do an unboxing number 1: Don't drop your models

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Top 4.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

The second of the Shuffle & Cut Store Championship Semi-Finals. Next stop, the final.

ORS Covers X-Wing FAQ & Tournament rule changes (version 3.0/ Updated 3....

The Outer Rim Smugglers provide a pretty informative summary of the major changes in the new FAQ

TACTICAL TIPS #6 - "Piazzamento Asteroidi"

The Italian X-Wing Academy discusses the more tactical aspects of asteroid placement.

X wing M3 A Unboxing

Another detailed unboxing video from Benito Senence, this time for the M3-A Interceptor

Unboxing X-Wing Squad Tokens by Team Covenant

Northern Gaming network gets their hands on some of the custom tokens produced for X-Wing


This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Whisper. It will soon see the end of the Rebellion.

The video is quite funny and sums up some of the more phantom obsessed players.

Star Wars x-wing miniature starviper folding s-foils

A cool little video demonstrating a modded StarViper  to allow the S-Foils to open and close.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Fantasy Flight Games - GAMA 2015

The Dice Tower snag an interview with Anton Torres, one of Fantasy Flight's representatives at Gama trade show.

Most of the interview is discussing the new announcements and new releases from Fantasy Flight none of which was directly X-Wing related. But I thought I would include it anyway.

Star Wars X-Wing: M3-A Abfangjäger ausgepackt

Unboxing video of the German M3-A Interceptor expansion.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

X-Wing Miniatures Are Coming To Commissar Warwick!

Yet another 40k channel succumbs to the X-Wing tide


Rules Explained:Ruthlessness

After having a discussion this week I wanted to try writing a few articles that help illustrate slight quirks of the game to help players understand them properly.
In this article I will start with the Elite Pilot Talent (EPT) Ruthlessness.

First lets take a look at the card:

Here we see an Imperial Officer, let's call her Ruth, confronting an unknown agent held before her by a pair of Trandoshans (presumably bounty hunters). This art demosntrates the willingness of the empire to go to any lengths to defeat their enemy, including the use of unlawfal agents such as the unscrupulous bounty hunters.

After you perform an attack that hits, you must choose 1 other ship at Range 1 of the defender (other than yourself). That ship suffers 1 damage.
This is the X-Wing equivalent to the "Spray and Pray" tactic of firing all weapons in the general vicinity of the target without considering the posibility of collaterol damage.

Example One:
The card text indicates that you must choose one other ship which implies that you cannot choose the ship that has already been hit by the attack. The card text also states (other than yourself) which also excludes the ship that executed the attack in the first place.
In this example Darth Vader attacks Emon Azzameen, succesfully damaging him. However as there are no other ships within range one of the Firespray no further damage is caused by the Rutlessness talent.
click for a larger view
Example Two:
This time Emon is accompanied by to Z-95 Binayre Pirates. The card text states that after having damaged Emon, Vader may choose 1 other ship to suffer damage. The only restiction applied by the card text is that the chosen ship be at range 1 of Emon. In this example Vader chooses the Z-95 which is left on one hull point to destroy him despite the ship being out of Vader's firing arc and there being another (fully healthy) Z-95  directly between Vader and Emon.
click for a larger view
Example Three:
The card text doesn't specify which faction a ship should belong to and as such in the absence of any enemy ships being within range one of Emon, Vader must apply one point of damage to his Academy Pilot wingman. Even though this would result in the death of the Academy Pilot due to only having one hull point remaining, Vader has no choice but to do so.
click for a larger view
Example Four:
The Card text gives you freedom to choose who should receive the damage. In the example below Emon is accompanied by a Binayre Pirate with a Z-95 fitted with the Illicit "Dead Man's Switch" upgrade. Despite the Z-95 being at range one, only having one hull point means that should Vader choose to assign one damage point to him he would be destroyed and the dead man's switch will activate damaging all three Imperial pilots and killing both Howlrunner and the Academy Pilot. So once again Darth Vader chooses to execute his Academy Pilot wingman.
click for a larger view
So as we can see the Ruthlessness talent can be a double edged sword. As it is a Imperial only upgrade it is most recommended to take this upgrade when playing Elite squads of three ships or less to minimise colaterol damage to your own ships. It is also worth considering the type of ships you may be playing against. Using Ruthlessness against swarms of five ships or more will result in a much higher return on your point investment than if you are likely to play against only elite lists of three ships or less.

X-Wing Mission 3: Dark Whisper - FNP Wargamers

FNP Wargamers continue their battle reports of the scenario missions this time the Dark Whispers mission.

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament, Final Round, Orlando Store Championship 20...

The final match from the Dogs of War store championship already covered in the video covered in this post, this time shot from the other side of the table.

NYC X-Wing Store Championship Episode 3 of 3 @ The Compleat Strategist

NYC X-Wing upload a Battle report from the final match of the store championship at the Compleat Strategist in manhattan.

2014 12 14 Star Wars X-Wing Epic opening

A brief clip showing the deployment for an epic team game.

Short Boardgame Reviews - "Shadowrun Crossfire" & "X-wing Minatures"

A short and comical instagram video board game reviews which features X-Wing

X-Wing Store Champs: Finals - Whisper/Jax/Howl vs Vader Swarm w/Commentary

Northern Gaming network's Wookies on X-Wing battle reports from their store championship reach round three.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Top 4.1 Shuffle and Cut Games

SoCal X-Wing's coverage of the Shuffle & Cut store championship reaches the first of the semi finals


A super timelapse video of an X-Wing match. Not much to see here though as it goes by so fast. More of an experimental video.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Star Wars X Wing Store Championship Tournament Finals

The Dogs of War Gaming held a store championship this past weekend. Here we have an excellent quality video of the final match. With full 1080P all game details can be made out and the match can be followed very easily. Now as I said this match was played just this weekend so with recording commentary and such, publishing this video in less than 48 hours is pretty good on the part of the Dogs of War Gaming although it would be nice to include a squad list with shield and hull indicators as most of the higher quality channels are doing.

Commentary is pretty much on par not too interesting but manages to avoid being too boring even though there are some pretty big pauses.

FOCUS ON #1 - Soontir Fel

The Italian X-Wing Academy launch a new series for tuesdays where they focus on a particular pilot and discuss build options around that pilot.

Тотальный Досмотр - Star Wars X-Wing

A russian unboxing/review of the core set

Как играть в Star Wars X-Wing

The Fantasy Flight tutorial video unofficially localised into Russian

LUMINYRKKI 2015 X-Wing Turnaus: Ville vs. Christer (Kierros 3)

Pori Xwing's video of a round three match from their local tournament in Finland.

Star Wars X-Wing: B-Wing ausgepackt

W6-Tabletop unboxes the B-Wing expansion.

Review: X-Wing - Painting Tutorial: Panzer bemalen - MAGABOTATO Folge 10...

The German language channel "Diced" presents a weekly tabletop/hobby talkshow. In this week's episode they feature a review of the X-wing game. skip to 11:00 to see the X-Wing content in German

Deskofobie S03E10: Star Wars

Desk of Obie appears to be some sort of Table Top gaming talk show from the Czech Republic. This episode is a Star Wars Special and they discuss X-Wing amongst other board games. Please note the show is in Czech

Torneo de X-Wing, entrevista a Aarón. 08/03/2015 Picassent

So I went to a store championship a few weeks ago and whilst in the middle of my fourth round match I hear some chatter from behind me look round and see an interview being conducted with the Tournament organiser. The video in itself is a pretty standard interview along the lines of explain this game to us. Otherwise it´s worth a laugh to watch me haha.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Star Wars X-Wing - TIE Advanced Unboxing and Review

TIE Advanced expansion unboxing from Charles Shumar. Charles has had a war gaming channel for quite some time but now it seems he has taken to X-Wing, uploaded a series of unboxings of the core set and wave one expansions.

Star Wars X-Wing - Y-Wing Expansion Unboxing and Review

Y-Wing expansion unboxing from Charles Shumar. Charles has had a war gaming channel for quite some time but now it seems he has taken to X-Wing, uploaded a series of unboxings of the core set and wave one expansions.

Star Wars X-Wing - TIE Fighter Expansion Unboxing and Review

TIE Fighter expansion unboxing from Charles Shumar. Charles has had a war gaming channel for quite some time but now it seems he has taken to X-Wing, uploaded a series of unboxings of the core set and wave one expansions.

Star Wars X Wing - X-Wing Expansion Unboxing and Review

X-Wing expansion unboxing from Charles Shumar. Charles has had a war gaming channel for quite some time but now it seems he has taken to X-Wing, uploaded a series of unboxings of the core set and wave one expansions.

Star Wars X Wing - Core Set Unboxing and Review

Core Set unboxing from Charles Shumar. Charles has had a war gaming channel for quite some time but now it seems he has taken to X-Wing, uploaded a series of unboxings of the core set and wave one expansions.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Top 8.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

The second quarter final match from the Shuffle & Cut store championship.

X-Wing Store Championship - Round 3

Athena Games continue their excellent coverage of their local store championship in Norwich.

X wing IG 2000 Unboxing

In depth unboxing of the IG-2000 Aggressor Expansion

The Cardboard Dungeon: X-Wing Ship Review - StarViper

Unboxing/Review of the StarViper expansion.

[Unboxing] O que tem na caixa: A-Wing - X-Wing Pacote de Expansão

UnboxingTV Brasil does what it says and unboxes the A-Wing expansion.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Luminyrkki 2015 X-Wing Turnaus Antti vs. Christer (Kierros 2)

Pori Xwing covers round two of their local tournament.

unboxing, 001, 2015, X-Wing Miniaturenspiel, Z95 Kopfjäger

German channel Malcom Raynolds unboxes the Z-95 Headhunter.

Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game Part 32 (Starfield Playmat)

Nathan Butler brings us a review of the Starfield playmat. Please bear in mind that Nathan is a Star Wars collector and not an avid X-Wing player so don't start to flame him for his opinions.

Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game Part 31 (Death Star Assault Playmat)

Nathan Butler brings us a review of the Death Star Assault playmat. Please bear in mind that Nathan is a Star Wars collector and not an avid X-Wing player so don't start to flame him for his opinions.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures IG-2000 Showcase

Flaming Dice Reviews unboxes/reviews the contents of the IG-2000 Aggressor expansion

X wing Most Wanted Unboxing

A completely thorough unboxing of the Most Wanted expansion clocking in at 54 minutes.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Top 8 part 1 Shuffle and Cut Games

The SoCal X-Wing channel has been providing exhaustive coverage of the most recent store championship with cameras mounted on two tables during the entire tournament. Now that the videos have progressed into the elimination round they are now introducing a commentators to provide more complete coverage of each match.
As I have already stated the video quality is perfectly adequate but as always the lack of 1080p resolution is a disappointment.
The commentary is well done and features two players from the same tournament which helps give insight into the other rounds played by the players. The commentary could be a little livelier and with fewer pauses but otherwise it is of a pretty high standard.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Luminyrkki 2015 X-Wing Turnaus Santeri vs. Christer (Kierros 1)

Pori Xwing is a Finnish channel that occasionally publishes X-wing battle report.

The playfield is well covered and with a very good quality video only the ambient lighting may be over saturating the far edge of the playfield.

The hosts do provide a commentary track that seems to be pretty steady but as its in Finnish i couldn't comment any further.

X-Wing Store Championship - Round 2

Round two of the store championship in Norwich brought to you by Athena Games.

Once again the video quality suffers from a lack of 1080p and poor focus.

The Athena games channel on the other hand has some of the best commentators available within the X-Wing community.

X-Wing Batrep: Dual Defenders vs. S&V 4Z/2Y

The Daily dial are breaking out of their mould and experimenting with more non conventional lists.

In this video they take two TIE Defenders up against a six ship scum swarm, that might be a tongue twister.

POST COMMENTARY #3 - Store Championship Pescara - Finale

The Italian channel X-Wing Academy covers the final of their local store championship.
The video quality in this video is particularly poor due to it being archived from a live stream hangout.
The hosts give a good commentary although being as how it is all in Italian the international viewer may have difficulty following the game action.
Thanks should be given to this store championship for having a large ship meta, this final features four Firesprays and a Lamba with a solitary Soontir Fel dashing inbetween the behemoths.

Star Wars X-wing store championship 14-03-15 round 2.1 Hermelijn Aalst b...

Thomas Laverze uploads a video of a recent store championship played at round one.

This video is well produced featuring Full HD resolution and and a play field that occupies a great deal of screen real estate.

The squad lists are in my opinion a littl too large and clutter the screen.

The video is from a German channel but there is no commentary just an on-board microphone to capture ambient sound and the table talk between the two players (which is practically non existent) which makes this video pretty accesible for international audiences..

X-Wing Store Championship - Round 1

Athena Games bring coverage of their local Store championship in Norwhich,UK.

Here they start off on the ground floor with a first round battle report.

The production quality is good on this series of videos. The squad information overlays on the left and right of the screen is nice and simple yet still bold and clear to make it as easy as possible to asses the game progress at any time.

Video quality suffers considerably by being just slightly out of focus, and in combination with a maximum resolution of 720p some of the smaller details are hard to make out (dice rolls and maneuver dials are particularly difficult to make out.
But where Athena games really shines is in the commentary. In this case the two hosts do an excellent job of discussing the game in a natural manner. They are both enthusiastic and informative at the same time. Definately an example to follow with regards for how to do commentary right.

VT-49 Decimator Review

Joseph Mesa does an unboxing/review of his newly acquired VT-49 decimator expansion.

X-Wing Star Viper and Interceptor Unboxing

The second in the series of unboxing from Just a Bunch of Nerds sees them reviewing the StarViper and M3-A Interceptor.

X-Wing Miniatures IG 2000

The Just a Binch of Nerds channel uploads its first X-Wing videos starting with a series of unboxings, the subject of which in this case is the IG-2000 Aggressor.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Upcoming Releases: Star Wars Armada(?) and Singles Galore!

Team Covenant's weekly product release roundup, with regards to X-Wing they discuss having single copies of upgrade cards from Wave six available through their store and also discuss the imminent arrival of Armada

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game TableTopGenerals' Triple Autoceptors vs...

More play from FCB Comics and Games league play.

Try not to look at the thumbnail for the video as it contains a spoiler for how the match goes.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game Handsome Nick StarViper vs Commentator ...

The FCB Comics and Games store have become quite a presence among the X-wing community for regularly streaming games from their Atlanta location.

They also do a good job of uploading some of the best matches to their YouTube channel. Obviously this is done in the fastest way possible so the result is this unedited match in its entirety which can be a bit drawn out at times but the commentary usually does a good job of filling the gap by commenting on the chat from the stream.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #39 (Ep. 83)

Four video battle reports in one week from Dad´s Gaming Addiction,once again taking Scum and Villainy for a spin

Quick Unboxing - X-Wing - YT-2400-Freighter & VT-49 Decimator

AstroCreep does a double hi-speed unboxing of both the YT-2400 and the VT-49 decimator.

Once again negelcting to give the viewers a good look at the cards included in either expansion.

X-Wing Battlereport - Dogfights im epischen Ausmaß

The German Game on Tables Channel gives a full battle report on a pretty huge Epic game, but no epic ships in sight. Just watching this game makes my back feel stiff.

As far as production value goes they did a pretty good job of covering a play field so big by using two static cameras at either end of the board. The commentary also does a pretty good job of keeping a steady conversation.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament, Orlando Store Championship - Top 8 - 2015,...

A second video from Less Than Geek from their store championship. This time a quarter final match

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament, Orlando Store Championship Top 4 - 2015, W...

Less than Geek are a new channel that has started uploading videos recorded at their local store championship in Orlando, FL.

Video quality is good and well lit and the camera is well positioned to view the play field, as always the lack of 1080p HD make some tokens more difficult to identify.

The commentary is also a good effort considering how new they are to producing videos, and they manage to keep a constant conversation going throughout.

Star Wars X-Wing: Sklave 1/Slave 1 ausgepackt

German unboxing of the Firespray-31 expansion from W6-Tabletop

VIDEOREPORT - "Store Championship Pescara" - w/Special Guest!

The Italian X-wing Accademy channel take us along to their most recent store championship.

X-Wing Store Championships - Round 3: Phantom/Firespray vs Triple Large ...

Northern Gaming Network is up to round 3 of their local store championships.
This Video is a must see if only so that you can know that no matter how many mistakes you make in a game of X-Wing, The phantom player in this match has you beat.


The Spanish language blog gives a look at their master crafted X-Wing storage case.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #38 (Ep. 82)

Dad´s Gaming Adiction releases his third battle report in a week. Let´s hope he keeps the pace up.

X-Wing Battrep #7 Chiraneau/Whisper vs Wes Janson

Another battle diary from GeneralMcCracker.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 5.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

A second match from round five of the Shuffle & Cut store championship

X-Wing Batrep 1 - Imperials vs Scum 100 pt Battle Report

TrevytheGreat is War Gaming channel that has been around for a while producing battle reports for various other game systems.

Here in this video he gives us his inaugural X-Wing Battle Report

Starting with a long and wordy introduction against only a star field backdrop it would have been better to include images or text when describing the lists being played. After theat the game gets going pretty quickly and he makes good use of time lapsing the video to keep the gmaeplay moving a bit quicker and also favours his solo commentary. Whilst the video is clear and well lit, the lack of HD resolution is a severe let down.

As i have already mentioned the host does a good job of providing a consistent and lively commentary.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The New Francis (X-Wing Night)

Phonecam video of some table rage whilst someone practices singing badly.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game - Squadron Building - I Sinistri "6"

The Italian channel "La Vipera sul Tubo" explores list possibilities.

Настольная игра «Star Wars: X-Wing. Игра с миниатюрами» — обзор

Russian review/unboxing of the core set.

SZ-Wing Trainingsfight 9 (X-Wing)

The German language SZ-Wing channel produces their first video using the Scum and Villainy ships released recently.

this game features a double IG-88 list take on a Z-95 mini swarm backed up by Kavil and Torkil Mux.

Unfortunately they haven't provided their lists for this game so I cant be 100% sure which of the IG-88's were involved. I'm pretty sure they were B and C just because B is the obvious choice and it looks like they're getting the free evade tokens for boosts. the only way I know Kavil and Torkil were involved is because the Y-wing moves after the IG's and Torkil because they were checking for range two at the beginning of the combat phase.

With regards to the actual video quality the room is poorly lit with the major light source being the other side of the play field creating a back lit effect over most of the game pieces. Also due to the poor lighting evade and focus tokens are almost impossible to distinguish.


This video is an interesting experiment in using a head mounted Go-pro to record a match from the players perspective.

It is also a perfect example of why the fish eye lens is not suitable for recording X-Wing play.

an example is that at one point the player wearing the camera chooses his maneuvers on his dial, now the dial couldn't have been more than two feet from the camera lens but it appears so small that it is impossible to tell which maneuvers he is choosing.

Fish eye lens's are great for mounting on your mountain bike for a ride but for X-Wing where the focus of the video is a 90cm x 90cm field where the whole area should be evenly recorded it just doesn't work out so well.

X Wing Battrep #6 Chiraneau/Whisper vs Jake Farell

GeneralMcCracker provides German battle reports but manages to include enough english to make sure that international viewers can follow along without too much difficulty.

the battle reports are produced in a summary format where after each round they give a brief summary of the events transpired.

The M3-A interceptor

Grenster1 unboxing the M3-A Interceptor

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 5.1 Shuffle and Cut Games

Round five of the Shuffle & Cut store championship from SoCal X-Wing

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 4.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

SoCal X-Wing's coverage of the Shuffle & Cut Store Championship is one of the most complete tournament coverage I've seen to date. Each round features two matches played with a good clear view of the playfield. Whilst commentary is missing in these Swiss rounds the fact that they went to the effort of making sure to document so much play with a wide variety of lists is definitely worthy of note.

The only thing lacking from this collection of videos is that they don't get up to 1080p resolution.

This round four match seems to have been a huge coincidence of seeding as two lists, both featuring a lambda and two arc dodgers, battle it out.

IQ Games X-wing Miniatures Store Championship - Round 6 of 6 - Mr Wilber...

IQ Games X-wing Miniatures Store Championship - Round 6 of 6 - Mr Wilber...

The sixth and final round of the IQ Games Store championship where the winner from this match would take a ship home as a prize.
Being as this is Mr Wilbert's first X-Wing match published to YouTube there are understandably a few points that could be improved. The first of those would be the Fish Eye lens. Whilst the fish eye has its uses and is very popular on go-pros and other portable recorders to achieve a greater field of vision, it really isn't conducive to X-Wing as the entire playfield needs to be clear and easily seen. The downside to the fish eye is that its focal zone is very centralised with a rapid and large falloff towards the edges, as such anything that isn't dead center of the lens suddenly starts to appear much further away than could be normally appreciated. As such for the beginning of this match the ships are occupying the other edge of the table so being able to appreciate the detail of the match (such as tokens placed dice rolled and even which ship is which) becomes far more complicated than necesary.
Also the camera would have benefitted heavily from a higher mounting, which would also help mitigate the failings of the fish eye lens.
Mr Wilbert's solo commentary is on the other hand a very good first effort with some pauses although these are an obvious consequence of recording a commentary alone, bringing in a partner who may not have participated in the game would help to keep the conversation going. The only down side to the audio is the background music can be a bit too loud at times drowning out the commentary.

All in all a good first effort from Mr Wilbert with plenty of options available for improvement.

Embedding not permitted so click this link to watch this video on YouTube.

Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship Tournament Top 4

The Dogs of War Gaming channel finally starts to upload the more important games in their store championship. In this case a semi-final match featuring a rebel swarm against the Dash and Corran combination and comes down to a nail biting conclusion.

M3-A Showcase

This video on the Flaming Dice Reviews channel curiously is supposed to be a review of the M3-A Interceptor however the video component pretty much just consists of a 30 second clip of a dude talking whilst holding the blister and then a slideshow of the contents of the package. A little more of an opinion would have been needed to justify the sense that this video is a review in my opinion. As it stands its really more of an inventory/inspection video.

To its credit the stills of the model are very highly detailed.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 4.1 Shuffle and Cut Games

SoCal X-Wing's coverage of the Shuffle & Cut store championship brings you round four of Swiss where you see a double YT-1300 list take on a Rainbow Dash and friends.

X-Wing Jogo de Miniaturas

To the best of my understanding the X-Wing game was only localised into Portuguese for the Brazilian market in January, This is based purely on the fact that at the end of January there was a large amount of unboxing and review videos posted that showed the core set as if it was a new product. So given that short of a time frame it´s impressive to see how deep the host of the IMTOYS Colectibles channel has fallen down the rabbit hole. This video is a brief overview of his collection along with a good look at his storage cases.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Cardboard Dungeon: X-Wing - "Most Wanted" Part 3

Due to the sheer ammount of content in the most wanted expansion, the Cardboard Dungeon decided to split their unboxing/review into three parts.

In this third and final video in that series they review the upgrade cards included.

Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Asteroid Expansion Pack

Another video trying to make money advertising products with affiliate links.

Feldherr MINI PLUS Case for Slave 1, Star Ships and

Another of these short videos with affiliate links to amazon.
Once again this video features Feldherr foam trays

NYC X-Wing Store Championship Episode 2 of 3 @ The Compleat Strategist

NYC X-Wing continues coverage of the store championship at The Complete Strategist in manhattan,

This semi final match features an interesting mix of four ship rebel squadrons.

X-Wing Miniatures batrep: Imagine Hobbies 2015 Store Championship

Steve records a diary of his store championship experience taking his 8 TIE Swarm through 4 rounds of Swiss.

Russian national tournament "X-wing: miniatures game"

A clip reel from a Russian national tournament.

Feldherr MEDIUM Star Wars X Wing Decimator, Slave

A totally brief product video to advertise Feldherr foam trays

X wing Tournament 28th February 2015 Luckshack Cape Town

More highlight clips from tournaments in Cape Town, South Africa.

Star Wars X-Wing Aufbewahrung der Tokens in Stanley Organizer

Star Wars X-Wing Aufbewahrung der Tokens in Stanley Organizer

A second brief video showing TheSkunow´s token/card storage solution.

Link to video

Feldherr Schaumstoff Aufbewahrung Star Wars X-Wing Miniaturen Spiel

Feldherr Schaumstoff Aufbewahrung Star Wars X-Wing Miniaturen Spiel

Feldherr is a German Miniature storage company producing foam trays for storage and transporting miniatures.

In this brief video you can get a look at how well designed their trays are and how well they support the models.

Because Embedding has been disabled click this link if you want to check the video out.

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 3.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

Another match from the Shuffle & Cut store championship round three of Swiss

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 3.1 Shuffle and Cut Games

SoCal X-Wing continues to upload some excellent quality videos from the Shuffle & Cut Store championship.

As these videos are still covering the Swiss rounds they have decided not to provide commentary and are saving that for the elimination rounds where the games will be more intense.

Check back in the next few days to find those videos.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #37 (Ep. 81)

Another brief casual game from Dad's Gaming Addiction featuring the Wave Six ships.

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament - January 2015 Luckshack Cape Town

A brief clip reel of the events at a recent tournament held in Cape Town, South Africa.

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss: Colonel Jendon #25

Michiel Van Rooijen discusses build options for Colonel Jendon in the Lambda Class Shuttle.

ANTEPRIMA - "Feccia e Malvagità" -

The Italian X-Wing Academy preview the wave six's StarViper for Italian Viewers(the localisation must have been delayed for them).

Hobby stuff: x-wing loot and ideas how to pimp the

The DiceMiniaturePaintGuy channel shows us his newly acquired X-Wing collection and muses on the re-paint options available.

Star Wars: Holonet Show 5 - X-Wing-Neuheiten, Legacy: Planet des Todes, ...

The Holonet is a German Star wars show covering all of the Star Wars releases.

In the case of this video they give a brief demonstration of Wave four ships about five minutes into the video.

Battlemats for Xwing Malifuax Necromunda and other Wargames

A nice review of the custom printed playmats produced by

The main selling point of these mats over other products out there is that these mats when un rolled from storage allways stay flat on the surface.

Star Wars Holonet Show 2 - X-Wing-Neuheiten, Comics, Hörspiele

This video also seems to be a re-upped video of a German talk show/interview covering the game shortly after the release of teh CR-90

Star Wars: Holonet Show 10 - Unboxing von Star Wars: Armada und das Neue...

This is a German speaking Vlog unboxing Armada and wave six. I'm pretty sure that this is the exact same video uploaded about a month ago although it has been newly uploaded this week, Maybe they received some take down notice from Fantasy flight or someone for showing the contents of the expansions weeks before release.

X-Wing 100pts- FNP Wargamers Ep.2

FNP Wargamers Publish a video of a battle report at a freindly local game store.
This video is shot on a handheld camera which helps to keep dice rolls a tokens clear and visible to the viewer because the camera is much closer to the action. The down side to this is the activation phase is not covered in the video (mostly because the camera man needs both hands free to move ships). Because of this in this video they choose to leave all the movement templates on the table which ends up with the playfield being considerably cluttered during the combat phase.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

X-Wing Unboxing Wave 6 - IG-2000 "The Aggressor"

The Wookiees from the Northern Gaming Network unbox the Aggressor

X-wing Thursday game

The Its Athing channel uploaded a couple of videos some time ago and they went dormant until uploading this video with Wave six releases.
The video quality is very good considering that there is no 1080p option on this video. The table chatter between the players is interesting although with a lot of pauses and colourful language can be difficult to ignore.

SZ-Wing Trainingsfight 8 (X-Wing)

Even though the SZ-Wing channel appears to be a German channel I would be amazed if with all the audio shenanigans going that a German viewer could understand anything much less an English speaking viewer-
otherwise the video quality is pretty good but the unused space at the bottom of the screen could have been used to move the play field closer to the camera.

X-Wing Batrep: 300 Point Epic Battle

The Daily Dail having finished their tournament training decide there's nothing more relaxing than a nice short Epic scale game,

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #36 (Ep. 80)

Dads Gaming Addiction publishes the first of their casual battle reports that feature the wave six scum and villainy ships.
This video is notable because the son finally gets round to beating his dad.

Y-Wing - Unboxing & Recensione (Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game)

Star Wars x-wing Miniaturenspiel Dringend Gesucht - Unboxing für Anfänge...

The German ChefoberbossM channel unboxes the Most Wanted Expansion.

'Rogue One' Might Mean X-Wing Pilots Get the Spotlight

A junket video discussing the recent announcement of the 2016 Rogue One film. So short and junky that I couldn't even bring myself to comment that he had mistake Red Squadron for Rogue Squadron.
One of the only videos I've seen that I wish I handn't bothered.

X-Wing Madness Round 11: Defenders

If you just can't get enough of watching Crabbok playing with himself, here you get to see what happens when Rexler Brath goes toe to toe with Colonel Vessery.

Tantive IV Star Wars X-Wing Minatures Review

Joseph Mesa takes us through the contents of the CR90 expansion.

Star Wars X-Wing Review in 60fps

A pretty thorough and closeup review of the game, coreset and several expansions from the RememberPorkins Channel.

Space Mat X-Wing - Tabuleiro em Lona

A very short video to show a custom playmat


A short video showcasing some commisioned re-paints of Z-95's and a Firespray-31

26/04/2015 Torneo C-3P3 : Campeonato Español por Equipos de X-Wing

A promotional video for a team based event in Valencia Spain.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures StarViper Expansion Showcase

Flaming Dice Reviews unboxes the StarViper expansion.

Banco de Dados Star Wars X-Wing: Core Set

An unboxing and review of the Core Set in Portuguese

X-wing playmat

A short demonstration of a magnetic playmat.

Unboxing #04 - E-Wing - X-WING

LuciooooHQ gives us an unboxing of the German E-Wing expansion

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 2.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

Round two of the Shuffle & Cut Store Championship brought to you by SoCal X-Wing

X-Wing - Millennium Falcon & Slave 1 Unboxing

A pretty cursory unboxing video of the slave 1 and millenium falcon expansions.

The video is of pretty good quality and whilst the host does give some great closeups of the miniatures the rest of the contents receives a pretty brief glance from the viewer.

Also some discussion of the contents would be helpful but here we just get some generic electronic music.

Friday, 13 March 2015

X-Wing 2015 Store Champs Round 1.2 Shuffle and Cut Games

Max Gingold has changed the name of his channel to SoCal X-Wing and uploads a video of the swiss competition at the Shuffle & Cut Store championship.

Once again good quality video and an interesting match to watch with the scum Z-95 swarm facing off against a rebel four ship list for 11 ships on the table.

The audio on the video doesn't have any commentary only the on-board microphone picking up ambient noise and the conversation between the players even though it is very faint.

Was ist im Star Wars x-wing Miniaturenspiel y-wing Raumschiff drin - Unb...

ChefoberbossM unboxes the German version of the Y-Wing expansion.

Tie Defender - Unboxing & Recensione (Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game)

Italiian unboxing of the TIE Defender

X-Wing Unboxing Wave 6 - M3-A "Scyk" Interceptor

The Wookiees from the Northern Gaming Network unbox the M3-A Interceptor.

X-Wing Unboxing Wave 6 - Star Viper

The Wookiees on X-Wing from the Northern Gaming Network continue their Week long coverage of the new Scum and Villainy collection.

X-Wing Vassal Tutorial Part 2: Orientation to Vassal Interface

A pretty junky video tutorial on how to use Vassal. I suspect that this is actually an older video that has be plagiarised by a channel trying to farm views.

X-Wing Madness Round 9: Firesprays

Crabbok's March madness continues on to the imperial unique pilots stating with the Firespray-31

X-Wing Madness Round 10: Tie Advanced!

We continue with Crabbok as he plays against himself with the elite TIE Advanced

Top Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars X-Wing: Millennium Falcon Exp (top)

Another shoddy slideshow made to try to get you to purchase the product using an amazon affiliate link.

Get Star Wars X-Wing: Slave I Expansion Pack Top List

A super brief slideshow of images of the Slave-1 Expansion.

X-Wing Mission 2: Asteroid Run

FNP Wargames feature a demo of the second mission from the Core rulebook.

X-Wing Battle Report 5

Here´s an excellent quality video from Kristofer Bengtsson in Sweden. The view of the table is clear and all details can be well identified, the only negative might be that the camera could have been quite a bit closer to the play area.

The channel host has also put a lot of effort into the post production work on his video, which includes a graphical introduction and a visual display of the squads at the edges of the screen. Once again to point out how things can be omproved the squadlists need to find a way of reflection how much damage has been taken by each ship (shield/Hull counters etc).

The commentary is very clear and well spoken English. The only problem I have with that the commentary is delivered by a sole individual in a semi-whisper quite intimate manner that I would have to liken to maybe Golf or Snooker commentary. This is not to say that this is not a good manner of commentating on a video, but i personally find it sends me to sleep as I get so relaxed. For real.

Anyway an excellent video and a pretty good match between two similar lists.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

X Wing Arcanacon XXXIII Tournament Batrep Round 4 He's hunting Leebo

Round four of the Arcanacon tournament brought to you by Fly Casual

X Wing Arcanacon XXXIII Tournament Batrep Round 3 Dash to the finish

Round three of the Arcanacon tournament brought to you by Fly Casual

X Wing Arcanacon XXXIII Tournament Batrep Round 2 The Swam

Round two of the Arcanacon tournament brought to you by Fly Casual

X Wing Arcanacon XXXIII Tournament Batrep Round 1 Bounty Hunters

The Fly Casual channel attended a local comic convention with an X-wing tournament, Here is the first of the four rounds of play that was recorded.
Excellent commentary on these videos but the visual presentation is still lacking a little more definition.

UNBOXING Star Wars - X-Wing - Millenium Facon

Portuguese unboxing of the Millenium Falcon expansion

Star Wars X-Wing: Dringend gesucht! - Wave 6 - Unboxing [German] - Most ...

Unboxing of the German Most Wanted expansion.

Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship Tournament Top8

The Dogs of War channel brings us coverage of the quarter finals of their local store championship. A Rebel swarm takes on the Whisper + Decimator combo.

The video quality is excellent and well lit, I was even able to tell the difference between critical and focus dice results.

The commentary on the other hand is a bit dull and this considering that the video was sped up to make the game shorter.

MGTV -WikiConsejo #01-

Spanish channel Mercenarios de la Galaxia start the first of a new series of X-wing tips videos. Here they give advice on how to correctly set-up your TIE swarm to more effectively protect Howlrunner.


Here is a Spanish animation made using the X-Wing Miniatures. The videos description says that this video was a university assignment in video editing and special effects.

The blue screen work is actually reminiscent of the original 1977 theatrical release with the glowing outline around the ships and a slight alpha channel overlap.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Xwing 009: IG-2000 In action!

Long Island War Gaming presents a very brief time lapsed battle report featuring the new IG-88D in the Aggressor. an excellent commentary provided to make following along much easier.

LXwing: Double Y-Wings For Scum and Villiany

Long Island War Gaming discusses a possible Scum double Y-Wing Squad list. A slight error however by including the "Genius" Droid on a syndicate thug whilst having a Proximity mine included.

a look at the z-95 headhunter Most Wanted Expansion from x-wing miniatures

Light of Hand gives a brief review of the Scum and Villany Z-95 Headhunter.

Ugen der gik(Uge 10)

This appears to be a war gaming news Vlog where this week they unclude the scum and villainy release.

X-Wing - Store Championship 2015 - Pescara

Video coverage of a store championship in Italy which was broadcast live over google hangouts

The video quality is as terrible as you would expect from a stream and the audio quality lives up to the same standard.

X wing Tournament 28th February 2015 Luckshack Cape Town

A brief interview with the tournament organiser of a store championship in Cape Town, South Africa.

Torneo Star Wars X-Wing - BoardGame Empire Pistoia 8 marzo 2015

A brief clip from an Italian tournament.

Was ist im Star Wars x-wing Miniaturenspiel HWK-290 Frachter drin - Unbo...

German unboxing of the HWK-290 that spends way too long looking throught the instruction manuals to the old Dark Forces games.

X-wing vs Star Trek Attack Wing "Borg Darrell" vs Bobby Mega-Autobots

HA HA HA HA HA. I had never seen the Star Trek Attack Wing stuff before. Here you have an X-wing versus star trek game and, to me at least, it´s hilarious.
on the serious side the video is actually pretty poor quality with considerable lag and auto focus problems.

Unboxing Oleada 6 Facción Escoria y Villanos X-Wing

A pretty brief and summary unboxing of the contents of the Most Wanted expansion by the Spanish channel Legio 9

Tuesday, 10 March 2015


Take the VT-49 with Oicunn, Dauntless title, Darth Vader and Gunner as crew, and the Daredevil Elite pilot talent.
When you get a phantom close enough execute a maneuver that causes you to crash into them whereupon Oicunn’s ability causes them to suffer damage, then the Dauntless title triggers giving you an action, where you use daredevil to crash into them a second time with Oicunn once again causing damage to the enemy. After all this you will receive two stress tokens(one for dauntless and one for daredevil). - Edit for daredevil you also have to roll two dice for self inflicted damage unless you take the engine upgrade.
Now to the combat fase where you can try to attack the phantom, although it doesn’t matter if you manage to do any damage because once the attack is finished you will use Darth Vader to give the Phantom a critical (suffering two damage yourself). If the Phantom still lives and you failed the first attack you attack again with Gunner and if you still miss then Darth Vader activates again causing another critical damage against the phantom.
Four points of damage in one turn with no evade dice thrown. Faced with this situation the phantoms will have no choice but to flee as fast as possible to escape firing range of the VT-49, and even then it will only be possible if they were already facing away form the VT-49 when the turn began.
And the best part of all this is imagining the scene on the bridge of the VT-49 after the Phantom explodes, as Darth Vader and Captain Oicunn fist bump the ships navigator says,
“Sirs we have suffered four damage points and have two stress tokens”
To which they respond,



Sorry for the lack of updates guys, I had a really busy weekend with trips to IKEA and a store championship(I went 2 x 2), and having travelled over 1000km in total I've been pretty worn out. On top of that the only chance to update this blog that I have is once the wife and kids go to bed and I've been too tired to outlast them much.
Don't worry it's not like I was just ignoring the blog, i also failed to tidy up the house for the last five days and things were getting to be a disaster. Anyway today I managed to clean up and hope to get back up to date on the youtube stuff starting later today.
as a bonus I'll share a theory blog now to give you something to look at.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Scum Release Pick-Up Game: Josh vs Bobby Rematch!

The Asheville Flight Club upload their first video featuring the new Scum and Villainy factions where they play two Wave six lists of against each other.

Video quality is a little poor and could be improved with at least a 720p HD option, the same can be said of the audio.

The Cardboard Dungeon: X-Wing - "Most Wanted" Part 2

In part two of a five part series unboxing the most wanted expansion the Cardboard Dungeon reviews the pilot cards included in the expansion.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Scum and Villainy Storage (Ep. 79)

One common thread through all youtubers making X-Wing content, is that they all love to show us their plano cases. Here's Dad's Gaming Addiction doing just that.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Most Wanted Expansion (Ep. 78)

Dad's Gaming Addiction gives a more indepth review of the contents of the Most Wanted expansion.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - IG-2000 Expansion (Ep. 77)

Dad's Gaming Addiction takes a closer look at the contents of the IG-2000 expansion

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - StarViper Expansion (Ep. 76)

Another expansion review from Dad's Gaming Addiction, this time the StarViper gets the going over.

SZ-Wing Trainingsfight 6 (X-Wing)

Foreign language channel SZ-Wing brings us another batrep featuring a pretty long and unedited video of a match taking over an hour and twenty minutes.

Upcoming Releases: Wave 6, X-Wing Singles, Zogwort's Curse

Team Covenant publish a brief Vlog announcing the new releases available in their store/webstore this week

X-Wing Batrep: 58 Dash Special vs. Devilmator/Whisper

The Daily Dial gives us the last video in their Devilmator/Whisper tournament practice series.

This time Lorenzo (the one that sounds like Dan Akroyd) up against the Super Dash/Corran build that is very common in the current meta.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Soldurii veranstaltet! - 6. Soldurii X-Wing Turnier vom 07.02.2012

A slideshow of images from a recent german tournament featuring some interesting repaints.

X-Wing StarViper Review

Joseph Mesa debuts his channel with a brief product review of the StarViper expansion.

X-wing: Scum and Villainy First Impressions

From the Void gives a short interview with some regular players in a league night giving their thoughts on the new scum and villainy faction.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - M3-A Interceptor Expansion (Ep. 74)

After the huge wave six unboxing video from Dad's Gaming addiction he breaks out to go into a more in-depth review of the contents of the M3-A Interceptor

X-Wing Store Championship - Double Falcon vs Jax Whisper Howlrunner

Northern Gaming Network brings us another match from their store championship. This match sees a double falcon list go up against an TrIEfecta of TIEs.

the commentary on this video features one of the players and you can listen in and see exactly why I always say that at least one of the commentators should have played in the match. The insight that Ian provides into the play by play game information takes a lot of the pressure of the other commentators and results in a much more natural and informative conversation.

Nacional España 2014 - Final

Finally the Spanish Rojo Cinco blog uploads the video coverage from the Spanish national tournament held back in September.

At the time this particular match made some pretty big waves throughout the community as it was largely believed that there were only three viable list formats in the wave four meta, those lists being derivatives of the fat Han list, TIE Phantom lists, or TIE Swarm lists.This final of a national tournament having been help in the interim between the US national tournament and the World championship surprised many when the list that won featured the HWK-290 as the squadron linchpin, However at the time further information was pretty scarce. word of mouth informed the community that the squadron featured Roark Garnet, Airen Cracken and two blue squadrons however further details were a bit fuzzy and the only sources were Eye witness testimony.

Anyway six months later the video finally surfaces (with very little post production work so I guess the delay was due to having a very busy schedule) so take the time to check it out.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Wave 6 (Scum and Villainy) Unboxing (Ep. 73)

Dad´s Gaming addiction uploads a new video where the host and his son unbox the Most Wanted, M3-A Interceptor, StarViper and IG-2000 expansions in one long video.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

[X-Wing] Unboxing "Los más buscados" (Most Wanted)

Mercenarios de la Galaxia unboxing the Spanish language version of the Most Wanted Expansion.

X-Wing comes to Tabletop Gaming Center

TabletopGamingCenter is a channel that's been running for a while publishing various let's play videos of board and tabletop games. This video is a brief introduction to the squad they will be running in a future let's play and the promise that they will be producing more X-Wing content in the future.

X Wing Casual in Ballarat Round 3 - A stressful game

Match three of Fly Casual's non competetive games from Ballarat, Australia

X Wing Casual in Ballarat Round 2 - HWK's get the job done

Match two from the non competitive games recorded in Ballarat by Fly Casual
This match is most notable for the inclusion of a Rebel Operative HWK-290 pilot which is pretty much non existence in regards to competitive play. In this match the HWK-290 is loaded with a Recon Specialist + Moldy Crow title and a blaster turret.

X Wing Casual in Ballarat Round 1 - Boba Hunting Dash

gooToday Fly Casual uploaded several videos from some casual games at Good Games in Ballarat, Australia.

You will notice in these next few videos that they are heavily entrenched in the current two ship meta.

Elite Dangerous : Top Shift 36 - Tabletop!

This video is an instructional guide for how to adapt the X-Wing Miniatures Game to play a game based on the Elite Dangerous PC Game.

TIE Defender Review

RememberPorkins is a relatively new channel featuring all kinds of Star Wars merchandise.

In this video he unboxes/reviews the TIE Defender expansion. But instead of being a review or unboxing for people who are already familiar with the game the host has presented this video more for the type of viewer that may never of heard of the game before.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Huntsville, AL Store Championship Final Cut ...

A brief interview with the players in the final of a store championship in Alabama

Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship Tournament Rd 5

The Dogs of War Gaming channel continues to give us coverage from their store championship in Florida.
The video quality once again is great giving a clear view of all pieces in play, well lit and presented in 1080p HD.
And the commentators also do a great job of keeping the conversation active and interesting.

BoLS Battle Report #203 | Rear Admiral Chiraneau vs Dash & Friends | X-Wing

The Bell of Lost Souls blog uploads a timelapsed battle report where the playfield is so noisy its hard to see most of the action taking place as tokens camouflage into the background.
The host does a great job of summarising the gameplay although I feel if he had a partner a more conversational style would be more interesting to the viewer.

[Unboxing] O que tem na caixa: TIE Interceptor - X-Wing Pacote de Expansão

Portuguese unboxing of the TIE Interceptor

X-Wing Madness Round 8: Y-Wings

Crabbok's March madness continues with Horton Salm and Dutch Vander duking it out.

X-Wing Madness Round 7: Dash Vs Leebo

Crabbok decides to play against himself to see who will win between Leebo and Dash in the YT-2400.

X-Wing Madness Round 6: Han vs Chewie

If Han Solo got into a fight with Chewie who would win?

gripmat review

This video gives a pretty in depth review/demosntration of the gripmat from bfrgames,com

ORS: Episode XX - X-Wing Battle Report - Tabletop game #1

After six months of publishing battle reports from vassal log files the Outer Rim Smugglers finally take the plunge into physical battle reports.

Here we see them adapt their onscreen interface to be used with a physical game using a fully top down camera angle and the squad indicators on the left and right margins.

They also substituted the lack of the dice roll window from vassal with their own dice roll animation and laser animations to help indicate attacks for the viewer.

as far as the video is concerned the only problem is the playfield used had some kind of a nebula or blackhole painted in the middle which creates a lot of noise and makes it harder to make out details in the play area.

The other downside is that the hosts themselves have become used to much shorter videos made from vassal logs where the pauses while players make a decision have been eliminated. In this case there are several moments that they are waiting for the game to progress and find them selves with little to say. hopefully with more videos of this kind under their belt they will start to find ways to fill the gaps and pauses to help keep viewer interest.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

NYC X-Wing Store Championship Part 1 of 3 @ The Compleat Strategist

The NYCXWing Team have been pretty quiet for the past few weeks and now we see why. They've come back from their sabatical with newly reworked title sequence and a logo. They also seem to have worked considerably on their commentary delivery, now with a more natural conversation and a lot let pauses and Ummm sounds.


A new channel pops up with a battle report showcasing the new wave six expansions. Video quality is passable but considering that there's no HD version the gameplay is pretty easy to follow.

Audio track however is just star wars background music.

X-Wing Batrep: Howlrunner TIE Swarm vs. Devilmator/Whisper

Lorenzo/Dan Akroyd from the daily dial continues to document his training sessions for his store championship. I think they pretty much have their production format worked out now. They still timelapse through the combat phase but I'm willing to deal with that as they still give a pretty detailed report on everything that happened. And as a bonus they now have an after the credits blooper.

[X-Wing] Unboxing M3-A "El mosquito"

A brief uboxing video of the M3-A Interceptor from the spanish channel Mercenarios de la Galaxia. Audio is just star wars music so don't expect much explanation of the contents.

VLOG #3 - SPECIALE 100 ISCRITTI (... e Matteo mangia!)

The Italian X-Wing academy publishes a brief video celebrating 100 subscribers to their channel.


This video gives us an up-close look at a heavily detailed X-Wing playfield.

A look at the IG-2000 for x-wing miniatures game

LightofHand unboxes the IG-2000 Aggressor. Not sure if he's drunk when he recorded this video but when he gives a close-up of the card there's all sorts of shaky camera work going on.