Friday, 3 April 2015

X Wing Battle Report: Andy vs Nate

Santa Barbara Wargaming debuts their first X-Wing battle report of a friendly game with some of their local players who also provide commentary.
The camera has been hung directly above the playfield. Now this may seem like a good choice but I've found it results in the game detail being much flatter. I personally prefer when the camera is mounted alongside the play surface facing down at an angle of about 30 degrees. I find that from that angle the ships seem much closer and the 3D aspect of the models can be appreciated better. Also I find that the obstacle tokens also pop a little better of the table surface. There are also times when the TIE Phantom is quite hard to make out the actual model.
Another downside is that the top down view restricts the width of the play field to the same height as the screen. However TV screens are considerably wider than they are tall, meaning that there is a lot of unused space to the sides of the playfield. In the case of this video so that your not watching the two players legs move around they have edited out the excess space to the edges of the screen.
The commentary recorded by the two players is actually pretty good for a first try and they do an excellent job of keeping a pretty steady conversation for the whole duration of the game.

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