Friday, 3 April 2015

X-Wing - Tulsa Store Championship 2015 - Top 4.2

Team Covenant are making a concerted effort to release more X-Wing video content and improving their production quality. In the case of this recent batch of videos for example Steven is much less apathetic and does a much better job of keeping his end of the commentary up. They have also made those tiny little numbers, that they used to indicate which ship is which, a little bit bigger making them a lot easier to see. But it would seem that it's two steps forward one step back with Team Covenant as the numbers on the ship don't help you identify which ship is which. In the case of this match both players are playing the same list (mirror match) once the ships have mad a few turns it becomes hard to tell which falcon was from which team.Maybe if they took the oportunity to include the numbers on the ship lists at the edges of the screen. Also they have chosen to use a top down viewpoint which makes things more difficult to see.

Either way it is nice to see Team Covenant try to perfect their video presentations.

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