Saturday, 28 February 2015

TACTICAL TIPS #5 - Movimento In Formazione

The Italian X-Wing Academy channel gives some helpful tips on how to move your ships for begginers.

Star Wars X-Wing: X-Wing ausgepackt

Another German unboxing video, this time the the X-Wing expansion

Star Wars X-Wing: Millenium Falke ausgepackt

A German unboxing of the Millenium Falcon/YT-1300 expansion

[X-Wing] Unboxing IG-2000 "El agresor"

Mercenarios de la Galaxia upload an unboxing of the IG-2000

SZ-Wing Trainingsfight 5 (X-Wing)

SZ-Wing continue to bring new video content to their recently launched YouTube channel.

This video is in my opinion an excellent example of how much screen space the play field should occupy with just enough space surrounding the play field.

X-Wing Battle Report 2015-02-19

Another new channel turns up this week, this time in the form of the dutch speaking Target Lock Channel.

They seem to have a very strong commentator that has no trouble keeping a conversation constant and also discusses the match enthusiastically which helps to hold attention.

However the down side is this death star surface mat. I know of a least a couple of other channels that started with this play mat only to discard it as soon as possible. The main problem is that the manufacturer wanted to give an impression of depth but the extra long shadows provide too much contrast and effectively act as camoflage making it hard to make things out even whilst the play area is well lit.

2015 Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Game Store Championship Adam Melton vs ...

Another match from the Atlanta Game Company store championship. It would be nice to know which match was being played here, round two? semi final? etc...
once again this is a repeat of a video uploaded about a month ago. This is an excellent match of five A-Wings against a VT-49 Decimator going down to a nail biting finish

2015 Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Game Store Champ FINALS James Matchett ...

North Atlanta Game Company also brings us some coverage from their store championship, starting with the final.
on further inspection this video is a video of a store championship that was previously uploaded from FCB comics and games back at the end of January. Maybe the FCB channel changed its name to North Atlanta to include another store in its video content.

Star Wars X Wing 2015 Competitive Series Q1 Finals Brenden vs Jon

More league coverage from the North Atlanta Game Company.

Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Game League 2015 Q1 Brendan Daughtery vs Kur...

More league coverage from North Atlanta Game Company

X-Wing: "Most Wanted" Part 1 of 3

The Cardboard Dungeon does an in depth review of the contents of the most wanted expansion.

Star Wars X Wing Miniatures Game League 2015 Q1 Brendan Daughtery vs Kur...

League competition coverage from the North Atlanta Game Company Channel.

Once again the reflection of the protective glass on their iluminated play field brings down an otherwise great video.

Friday, 27 February 2015

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - Most Wanted

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - Most Wanted

Terrible timelapsed unboxing of the Most Wanted expansion that won't allow embedding so here's the link

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - IG-2000

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - IG-2000

Terrible timelapse unboxing of the IG-2000 Agressor that won't allow embedding so here's a link

Utinni Unboxing // Star Wars: X-Wing - IG-2000 Erweiterung-Pack

German unboxing of the IG-2000 Agressor

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - Starviper

X-wing Miniatures: Scum and Villainy - Starviper

A timelapsed unboxing of the StarViper.

If you are interested in seeing the contents of the box such as upgrade/pilot cards or cardstock then find another unboxing as this one skips through it all way too quick.

embedding the video is disabled so here's a link

STAR WARS: Quadrinhos, Livros e Jogo de Miniaturas X-Wing | Vlog do PN#59

Portuguese Vlog from Brazil covering various Star Wars merchandise.

Skip to 10:30 for the X-Wing

X-wing Scum and Villainy: Star Viper (Wave 6) - Unboxing

LongIslandWarGaming unboxing the StarViper

Star Wars X-Wing: Z-95 Headhunter ausgepackt

A German unboxing of the Z-95 Headhunter

X-wing Scum and Villainy: Solo Z-95 Build

LongIslandWarGaming give us another Wave six squad builder this time featuring the Z-95 Headhunter

X-wing Scum and Villainy: New Y-Wing Builds (Wave 6)

A brief squadbuilder focusing on the scum and villainy Y-Wing.

[X-Wing] Unboxing Víbora Estelar (Star Viper)

Spanish unboxing of the StarViper

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Utinni Unboxing // Star Wars: X-Wing - M3-A Abfangjäger

A pretty goofy German unboxing of the M3-A Interceptor.

a look at x-wing miniatures game star viper

Lightofhand continues with a StarViper unboxing

Unboxing of the M3-A interceptor

A new channel pops up this week called lightofhand and debuts with an unboxing of the new M3-A Scyk Interceptor.

COOP | S3E04 - Folia de Carnaval: Airsoft, Coup, Xwing e Dice Master

The Portuguese language Level+ vlog from brazil give a brief review of the core set in their latest video.

Skip to 08:20 for the X-Wing content

X-wing Scum and Villainy: Most Wanted

Long Island War Gaming also has a bash at unboxing Most Wanted.

hold on to your hats folks there's gonna be lots of these in the next few weeks.

Unboxing #03 - Z-95- Kopfjäger - X-WING

A German language unboxing of the Z-95 Expansion pack.

Most Wanted Expansion Pack - X-wing Miniatures Unboxing

The Comlink is a star ears news channel and in this video they do a pretty thourough unboxing of the Most Wanted expansion

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Star Wars X Wing Store Championship Tournament Rd 4

Moving on to round four in the Dogs of War gaming channel's store championship coverage.
The Tournament organiser having known that this table was going to be filmed should have made an effort to get more variety in the players/lists assigned to this table. The same rebel swarm has been in three of the four videos uploaded for this championship so far.

Star Wars X Wing Store Championship Tournament Rd 3

Dogs of War Gaming continue their store championship coverage.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship Tournament Rd 2

The Dogs of War Gaming channel from down in Florida keep their store championship coverage coming.
What I like about their videos is that they are spacing them out well, This one came out a week ago, and round one a week before that. Then today they uploaded round three and four together so maybe it was just because they didn't have the time to get ready.
And speaking of which your probably all saying wait he said this video went up last week, whys he blogging about it now. Well due to a colleague being sick at work and myself getting pretty heavily sick last weekend my time has been heavily restricted and ever since I have been fighting back the tide of uploads. I've almost got it under control though and soon should be fully up to date.
Anyway back to this video. I like the idea of publishers spacing out their uploads rather then uploading everything in one go and then waiting six weeks before posting more content.
The video quality in this batrep is excellent as we have come to expect from dogs of war gaming. The commentary however is a bit slow and drawn out, and I'm not gonna say that the commentators were drunk while recording but there is the sound of two steel beverage containers being opened in the first five minutes of the video (haha).

X-wing Moscow All-Star. Group №2 Round №2

The Russian Channel uploads a battle report from some sort of All Star league they appear to be running in Moscow.
Now this video is pretty heavy on the russian using cyrilic alphabet making things more dificult to understand for non-russians.
that said the video quality is well lit with a high clear camera angle and the only downside being that ships on the far edge of the play area get cut off half way up their stems.
The two hosts offering the commentary seem to keep up a constant conversation with very few pauses and a natural flow which I'm guessing if I could understand russian would help to hold my interest.

X-Wing Madness Round 5: More X-Wings

If for some reason you had any doubt who would win between Wedge and Porkins, Crabbok is here to help

X-Wing Madness Round 4: X-Wings

In this video Crabbok sees who wins between Wes Janson and Luke Skywalker.

Unboxing: O Que Tem na Caixa - Star Wars X-Wing Jogo de Miniaturas

Another Portuguese unboxing of the Core set from Brazil

Star Wars X-Wing: E-Wing ausgepackt

A brief review of the contents of the German E-Wing expansion which could use a little more lighting.

Kavil,Renthal,Godalhi - Most Wanted Expansion | Thrawn's Field Test 2015...

For those who didn't already know Thrawn produces some of the most professional X-Wing videos on YouTube, and he does so with very little fancy special effects.

If this is the first you've heard of them then be sure to use the tag on this post to find more of their content or go to their channel page on YouTube.

You might feel put off by the German language but please stick through it and you'll see that if you're familiar with the visual language of X-Wing that you'll be able to follow along with no effort whatsoever.

Thrawn's Battle reports are all previews of announce but unreleased content for the game and in this video they feature the imminent scum and villainy and the upcoming TIE Advanced X1 title.

7 Stunden X-Wing in 60 Sekunden

A 1 minute long timelapse of a 400 point game with no huge ships in sight.

X-Wing Cape Town_28th February_Luckshack_TOURNAMENT

A brief promotional video for a store championship in South Africa

X-Wing Madness Round 3: E-Wings

It gets a bit confusing watching Crabbok play against himself, but here goes round three with Etahn A'baht against Corran Horn

X-Wing Madness Round 2: B-Wings

Round 2 of Crabbok's March Madness features B-Wings with Ibtisam facing off against Keyan Farlander

X-Wing Madness Round 1 - A-Wings!

Crabbok's March Madness campaign sees named pilots go head to head in an elimination tournament. This round see Tycho Celchu take on Gemmer Sojan

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Grim Tree Games New Releases and News 23/2/2015 discusses the weeks new releases, amongst them the arrival of Wave Six

Quest Hobbies X Wing

A promotional video for the game produced by a local game store in Mexico

Squad Tokens - An In-Depth Look

The full presentation video of the new line of acrylic tokens from Team Covenant.

Squad Tokens: Suit Up and Strap In

A brief promotional spot for team covenant's newly released line of tokens.

X-Wing - FFG Worlds 2014 - Top 4.2

Here's Team Covenant's earlier video from this week featuring the World Championship semi-final match between Morgan Reid and Keith Wilson.
extra points for giving us such a good view of Keith's Lunch for the first twenty minutes.

X-Wing - FFG Worlds 2014 - Finals

Team Covenant bring their trademark high quality video production standard to the 2014 world championship final match.

If you have already seen the Fantasy Flight Games video of the final then you may feel that this presents a better view of the table with better video quality and contrast level.

In this video even the commentary is well maintained despite Stephen's penchant for trolling the viewer with his disaffected/uninterested hipster routine which he seems to have kept to a minimum on this game.

The only complaint I can level against team covenant on this one is the tiny little number overlays they use to identify the ships. Maybe it's my TV but they just don't contrast enough against the dark background colors to be able to make them out well, dice results are easier to see than these numbers.

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Game #35 (Ep. 72)

Another casual game from Dad's Gaming Addiction.

Of note here is that I believe this might be the first of their games to use obstacle tokens which is nice to see that junior is starting to feel more and more confident.

POST COMMENTARY #2 - Road To Store Championship Pescara - Finale

The Italian X-wing Academy continue to try to refine their presentation technique, now including shield and hull counters on the lateral edges of the screen.
This time the video quality has improved slightly but the distance from the camera to the playfield is too much to be able to tell which ship is which on the table. The commentary once again seems well presented.

Michiel's Let's Livestream #1 (Saturday 21 feb. 2015)

Michiel Van Rooijen did a live stream early today with the back-up now being able to view on demand. Unfortuneatley as the mojority of the 2 hours plus video is Q&A with the chat so watching it after the fact leaves you a little blind, but if your interested in hearing more about the host or his thoughts on a variety of subjects.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

"ACADEMY'S POST COMMENTARY"#1 - Road To Store Championship - Tappa 1 - R...

The Italian X-Wing Academy take their battle reports out of the kitchen and into the store championships.

This video features some new improvements by the italian channel with an interesting way of introducing a list through the text crawl, and a full commentary recorded through post production. The commentary, although in italian is a constant lively and freindly conversation between the two hosts commenting on the match and hand.

The Achilles heel to this whole new package is the video quality which lacks even a 720p version.

4.Salzgitter X-Wing Turnier

A Slideshow of some tournament material for a local German game group.

X-Wing Trainingsfight 2

SZ-Wing's second video updated, for more comments see their first post

X-Wing Trainingsfight 1

Another new channel to show up this week is SZ-Wing which I'm guessing is a German speaking channel.

I have to guess because a combinaion of extremely low level audio and almost complete lack of conversation between the players makes it hard to tell. This however could be an effort not to alienate english viewers and produce a more cross culture video product.

The video quality is however very and clear, with maybe a lack of lighting but otherwise excellent.

Dice rolls when done in view of the camera can be identified, the only negative with regards to the video is the distance from the playfield, giving an excellent view of the space below the playfield where nothing is happening.

And on a final night I would also like to give a note that in this milieu of acrylic tokens some people are willing to break the mould with wooden beads.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Pick-Up Game: Zach (Dash AAZ) vs Sky (Han + Horn)

Asheville Flight Clubs second video, for my thoughts on presentation see their first video

Pick-Up Game: Casey "The Hammer" vs Sky "Han + Horn"

Asheville Flight Club is a new channel that debuted this week uploading two Battle Reports. Described as Pick-up Games I'm guessing the hosts had no intention to produce broadcast quality videos. All the same they did a good job of creating a basic hull/shield tracker overlay. The only downside to the overlay is that there is a banner bar at the bottom of the screen which takes up too much space and reducers the play field to about a quarter of the whole screen size. Although looking at the video quality I'm thinking that this was more done by necessity having recorded at a low resolution setting. Having said that the video is of poor quality they play at a casual pace and most dice rolls are clear if not through visual means by conversation between the players and visually seeing the player remove shields or taking damage cards.
For audio there is no commentary just table talk with long drawn out pauses and when there is conversation the sound quality is so poor as to make it difficult to understand very much.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game League Matches Pink Decimator vs Rebel ...

Another league game from FCB Games.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game League-Cpt Oicunn vs Super Dash Rendar

The FCB Games Channel continues to stream their instore events and uploading them to YouTube. This time their coverage includes their local league play in atlanta.

Stick around afterwards for a post match interview with the players in a stockroom.

Campaign - Seeds of Hope - Battle 2

Part two of a animation series used to complement a narrative campaign run by Veteran Gamers UK

unboxing Tie Advanced e X Wing

Portuguese unboxing of the TIE Advanced

Was ist im Star Wars x-wing Miniaturenspiel Lambda-Klasse Raumfähre drin...

A German unboxing of the Lambda Class Shuttle from ChefoberbossM

X-Wing Madness Announcement!

Crabbok gives us an introduction to his planned March Madness Campaign.

X-Wing Batrep: Devilmator/Whisper vs. Fat Han

The Daily Dial continue to improve their video format and now inlcude the combat phase in the video, and a free form discussion after the match discussing strengths and weaknesses-

Upcoming Releases: Squad Tokens, Wave 6, The Valemen

Team covenant finally see their way to producing an acrylic token line to complement their existing maneuver templates. Here is a short announcement trailer.

Star Wars X-Wing Battle Report TIE-SPAM 1

German language LtCmdrBareik has an interesting take on a battle report by uploading a series of short videos where the highlights of the game are played out. For the most part these videos are too short to give you a good idea of how the game went and what tithe the shaky cam and cluttered playfield there's no real sense of how the game progresses

Thursday, 19 February 2015

X-Wing Store Championships Game 2 - Leebo double B vs Double Falcon

A pretty generic video of a store championship match from the Northern Gaming Network channel. The video quality suffers from a lack of 1080p, poor focus and light saturation. dice rolls are not clear and the commentators don't give much insight into the dice results so you pretty much have to guess whats happening based on how many dice the players point to.

The commentary is a constant conversation with few pauses but the tone could be more lively to prevent the viewer falling asleep, especially towards the end game as you start to fall asleep just watching two ship go round in circles.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Teste na maquina de corte a laser com espuma

Demonstracion video of a laser cutting foam to fit X-Wing Ship shapes

Horus Heresy, X-wing etc - News & Rumors Studio Update #11

The Spikey Bits Vlog briefly discusses the iminent arrival of Wave 6.

Skip to the X-Wing content at 3:38

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Dice Roller 3000

X-Wing science, has it gone too far?
Seriously, you have to see this video.

Abrindo o pacote inicial do star wars x-wing

Another Portuguese unboxing of the core set

National Russian Championship

If the description is to be beleived this is video of the first Russian national X-Wing championship. There is no information of when this was filmed but it does appear to have been a stream backup as evidenced by the poor image and sound quality. Apart from this there is not much to see as it is a locked off camera filming the room where a bunch of people mill about other people playing X-Wing. Maybe the commentary is of some use if you understand russian and can put up with the poor quality.

star wars x wing (JDV)

A fan made promotional video in french for the game.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Star Wars X-Wing Rebel Ships Wave 1 to 5 - Ship & Pilot Stats, Movement ...

Tom Strong Review gives a brief summary of all the rebel ships available.

X-Wing - Road to Store Championship 2015 - Pescara

Tencar uploads a 3 hour plus google hangout stream.

Due to it being an archived stream the video quality is considerably poor.

The audio quality is also poor so if you want to check out the Italian Meta which seems to be YT heavy

then skip through the video, otherwise theres not much to see.

X Wing Batrep 14 - Scum & villainy

There is light at the end of the tunnel. The days of Decimators being in every single battle report uploaded could soon be over as Wave 6 is about to go on sale.

One store in Melbourne, Australia received their allotment early (presumably because they are much closer to china) and by mistake started selling it for one day.

The Fly Casual boys managed to get their hands on them and as such became the first to upload an official battle report.

Heidelberger HEI0400 - Star Wars X-Wing - Grundspiel videogame Review

Same German language "review" from Games und Spiele Berichte

Heidelberger HEI0408 - Star Wars X-Wing - Millennium Falke, Erweiterungs...

Same German language "review" from Games und Spiele Berichte

X Wing Cape Town

A rudimentary animation to promote a local X-Wing organisation.

Episode 6 B Wing TIE Bomber TIE Abfangjäger Iceface

The German channel Pirates of Tattoine Upload another of their podcasts to youtube.

Heidelberger HEI0404 - Star Wars X-Wing - TIE Advanced Erweiterungs-Pac...

Same German language "review" from Games und Spiele Berichte

Saturday, 14 February 2015

X-Wing Video Batrep: Ion Spam 3B vs. Devilmator/Whisper

The Daily Dial continue to improve their battle report format. now they actually show the movement phase being played out providing commentary explaining the movement. The combat phase they continue to provide a post-report as they say that no-one wants to see dice rolls, I might argue that point but even so their videos are improving well.

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss: Luke Skywalker #24

Michiel Van Rooijen finally takes the time to  discuss build options for Luke Skywalker.


Portugese unboxing of the newly localised core set

Painting Large Target Lock Tokens from COG'O'TWO - X-wing Miniatures

A video demonstrating painting of some custom acrylic target lock tokens.

Embedding is blocked on this video so click the link

Fantasy Flight 71253 - Star Wars, X Wing A-Wing Erweiterungspack videoga...

Same German language review as the earlier Lambda

Heidelberger HEI0402 - Star Wars X-Wing - TIE Fighter Erweiterungs-Pack...

Same German language "review" from Games und Spiele Berichte

FFG X-Wing Playmat Unboxing and Review: Starfield

Crabbok seems to be one of the first to upload an unboxing video of the new playmats released last week.

Star Wars X-wing: Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack videogame Review

A German language "review" of the lambda class shuttle. I dont know any German but the voice conducting the review seems like a robotic voice gerator and the video is just a few still images of the box, one of the model and a super low res version of the pack contents that fantasy flight put on all their posts.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

VIDEOREPORT - Torneo Sanzionato presso Stazione Gioco Roma - 8/02/2015

Italian X-Wing Academy upload another vlog discussing their tournament progress.

X-Wing Store Championship Round 1 Vader Swarm vs Triple Large

The Wookiees on X-Wing from Northern Gaming bring us the first in a series of videos of a local store championship.

Video quality suffers from a heavily damaged play surface and glaring overhead lights.

However the commentary helps capture viewer interest.

Skull Squadron X-Wing Saturday Nights Ep.1

A cool little home video style batrep of a casual game between friends is the debut video uploaded on Metox001's channel.
The camera could have been slightly higher and closer to the playfield to give a better view but conversation between the two players and the host/cameraman make it easy to follow the game.
Extra points for having Return of the Jedi playing on a TV in the background.
And the take away lesson from this game is dont bring a Lambda to a Decimator fight.

X-Wing Miniatures Game - Battle Report - Red Fist Cup Winter FINAL (13/1...

Russian language channel uploads an interesting fat Han vs Firespray/TIE Swarm match
Reasonable video quality suffers more from a lack of focus than anything else, however overlays showing shield and hull points make the game easy to follow along
The two commentators, although i don't understand Russian seem to do a good job of maintaining a constant conversation.

Star Wars X-Wing 2015 Competitive Series Q1 Finals Brenden vs Jon

Another video from Chris Gilmore and FCB Comics and Games in store event this past weekend.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game League 2015 Q1 Brendan Daughtery vs Kur...

Another video from Chris Gilmore and FCB Comics and Games in store event this past weekend

Star Wars X-Wing League 2015 Q1 Brendan VS James

Another video from Chris Gilmore and FCB Comics and Games in store event this past weekend

This video seems to be a rematch from this earlier post.

Star Wars X-Wing Tournament Series Q1 2015 Chad Woyce vs Sam Talley - 1 / 2

Chris Gilmore uploads videos from the FCB Comics and Games store in Atlanta twitch stream.
This weekend they wanted to show off a new play field consisting of a fibre optic lit starfield covered in protective glass. The star field is a neat idea but in the case of shooting video in this way gives too much reflection of the store roof.
Video quality is good considering that it is from a twitch archive and once again the commentator does a good job but he could probably do with a sidekick to help him along.

This is a particularly long game uploaded in two parts and featuring two Decimator + TIE Swarm.

starwars Trench

A very short featurette showcasing a modelers death star trench.

final 2 liga xwing Sharkgames

Yet another silent timelapse video from SharkGames TV

Roll For Crit Podcast #036 - Hidden Roles

The Roll for Crit Vlog discusses the news from fantasy flight this week regarding the official play mats.

the X-Wing content starts at 4:49

X Wing Liga Köln Spieltag 1 TKundNobody gegen CountGermaine

The German language Pirates of Tatooine Channel uploads a battle report from their local league event in Cologne. They timelapse through the planning/activation phases and combat phases are played out in real time.

The video quality is actually very good and teh players are very diligent in rolling their dice close enough to the camera to be able to see the dice results clearly.The only downside is the dutch angle.

The on board microphone of the recording device does a poor job of capturing the conversation between the players as the result is audible but with very little volume.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Seeds Of Hope Intro

A cool little video made as supplementary content for a local X-Wing campaign featuring a text crawl and some rudimentary 3D animation together with existing video from Dark Forces II.

extra points for the reference to the original plot for Dark Forces with Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn.
Further details can be found at

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Semifinal

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Quarterfinal

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Swiss Round 4

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Swiss Round 3

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Swiss Round 2

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Swiss Round 1

A bunch of videos from the same store championships. See this post for further details

X- Wing Store Championship 2015 - The Wyvern's Tale - Final

Looks like The Wyverns Tale in north carolina had their store championship this weekend and also decided to twitch stream the event. Then the video got uploaded to YouTube.

They used a camera mounted directly over the play field and include an overlay interface which I found to be more of a waste of space than anything else.

So due to the low ammount of screen space occupied by the play field and the long distance a direct overhead cam requires the finer details such as dice rolls are hard to follow.

Audio is present but is recorded on a very poor microphone with a lot of clipping and excessive noise from spectators but not much conversation from the players.

This video in particular is the final of the store championship so they really should have put more effort into having someone commentate the game, Another complaint is that the game takes forever to get going, With the first dice rolls coming at the 23 minute mark, make sure you skip ahead to avoid a drawn out setup sequence and opening moves.

X Wing Batrep 13 - Arcanacon XXXIII Epic table

This is an interesting Video from Fly Casual. At a convention 8 players got together to play a huge team epic game. A game so big they couldn't fit it on one screen. Four playfields lined up side by side to make an avenue of space warfare. All in all a four hour game is compressed down to about 15 minutes. The timelapse format makes sense here as it isn't so fast that you can't follow some of the game but a game of this size would be too complicated to follow through a video, I suppose you really would have had to be there.

A good video.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Cancon Day 1: Timelapse Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures 2

StephenDann uploads a bunch of new videos from his CanCon tournament.
These videos are a mix of timelapse and curious angles that all in all doesn't make much of any coverage by themselves. Also the audio track is entirely convention background noise and any conversation between the players is lost.
So I decided to compile them all here in one post so if you're looking for timelapse you can check them all out together.


SharkGames TV presents another timelapse video from their store championship.

uploaded in two parts.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Weekend Painting

Crabbok's Vlog demonstrates how the VT-49 looks with a black undercoat.

X Wing:Store Championship 3ª Tappa

The Italian  language D20Games channel uploads a round three match from their store championship.
Video is good quality considering that full 1080p isn't available. Dice rolls, as always, are hard to make out.
There is an audio track but it is so faint it is impossible to understand anything.
lists haven't been provided in description or in the video in any way.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Round 2 of Swiss

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Round 3 of Swiss

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Round 1 of Swiss

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Semi-Finals

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Top 8

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Store Championship Finals

This Ciminod400 channel popped up earlier this week and uploaded several videos from The Wandering Dragon Store championship. This video is the Final.
Be warned, whilst the video quality is acceptable and the games are clear and easy to follow there seems to be some problem with the sound that I found quite annoying whilst watching.
Lists are not provided in the description or on screen, So you have to hope that the players do a good job of clearly describing their lists.
This Video has basically just been recorded off the table and uploaded so don't expect anything special.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Star Wars X-Wing Store Championship Tournament Rd 1

The Dogs of War Gaming channel uploads a match from their recent store championship in florida.

The video in this case is of excellent quality, well lit and the play field occupies the entire height of the screen making all details clear.

The commentary is also well done, a few mistakes and slightly out of sync but a good effort for having not participated in the match in question

The Cardboard Dungeon: X-Wing Ship Building - Corran Horn

The Cardboard Dungeon explores upgrade options for Corran Horn

Xwing Tie Fighter

Another brief and noisy unboxing video from the utamaputranto channel.

Star Wars - A Voice In The Dark

A text crawl to serve as a compliment to a local X-Wing League

Wednesday Night Xwing 2/4/2015

Russell Thayer uploads his second X-Wing video this time getting much better. This game appears to have been played in a store as evidenced not only by the background noise from 40k players but also by the excessive glare from the florescent overhead lights.
Other than this the video quality is good enough to follow most of the game. The conversation between the player however is lacking, this is understandable as they are obviously concentrating on the game. When choosing to record a game however players should try to keep the conversation up and if it's not possible then consider recording a commentary in post production.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game XXXZ State Of The Union vs Decimator a...

Another match from the FCB Comincs and Games store Twitch stream.

Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game League Match Triple X vs Cloak And Dagger

Chris Gilmore uploads ta few more videos from the FCB comics and games twitch stream.

Once again being part of a stream the video quality isn't of the highest quality and there is a lot of glare from the store lights that make details harder to make out.

The solo commentator does an excellent job but i feel the commentary will always seem more natural when there are two participants to be able to make it more conversational.

X-wing Miniatures Let's Discuss Builds: The Swarm and the Elite #4

Michiel Van Rooijen continues his squadbuilder series this time focusing on the mini swarm formation combined with Echo.

X-Wing at FCB: Hairy Situation

This Dylan Wintersteen channel shows up out of nowhere with a pretty well produced video.

The two participants provide the post game commentary discussing features and choices in their lists as well as how they had expected the other to act at key points.

The Video is well produced and high quality, using the sanctioned dice overlays to indicate dice rolls and a more disctinctive but very clear squad layout indicating the hit points left on each ship.

Unboxing X WING

A pretty brief and basic unboxing of the Portuguese version of the core set and the Y-Wing expansion

X-Wing Batrep: 3 TIE Devilmator vs. YT-1300+2400

The Daily Dial continues uploading their battle reports where they shoot a video after each phase of gameplay and proceed to give us a brief summary of the action. I´m not to say that this format for a battle report isn't valid but I find myself asking why they don't just film the action anyway, they would save a lot of time having to recap and remember everything that happened. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that their camera is recording in 1080p 60fps that they are limited to recording in short bursts, I´m not sure. Either way it seems a waste to upload a video of a match but not being able to see the match, they might as well have made a slideshow and recorded a commentary track in post production.

Star Wars Armada Unboxing und X-Wing Neuheiten - Holonet Show 10

A German language unboxing/review of the wave six ships and Armada. Check out the size of the Starviper package.

VT-49 Decimator - UnBoxing & Detailed Review - Star Wars X-Wing Miniatur...

Another trademark Tom Strong Review this time ubboxing the VT-49 Decimator.

BATTLE REPORT #9 - "Jake&Kyle" vs "DeciRunner"

The Italian X-Wing Academy channel are back to their home games after a few vlog posts covering their store championship season.

Friday, 6 February 2015

X-Wing Miniatures Tournament Interview

A brief interview with a tournament organiser.

X-wing Academy mexico (battle report 1)

The x-wing academy México channel uploads it's first battle report and it's a pretty good effort. 
The graphics overlays are well presented although the hull and shield indicators are just rectangles drawn roughly into location. The video is out of focus and doesn't cover the whole play area but to their credit they do zoom in when the action becomes isolated in a specific area of the play field. 
What is particularly of note in this BatRep is the commentary. Now being that this is a Mexican channel the commentary is entirely in Spanish but the two hosts are genuinely enthusiastic, affable and keep a constant conversation. If you speak or are studying Spanish definitely give this video a go. 

Vätterspel X-Wing Winter Tournament battlereport #2

This seems like a good week for X-Wing channels to improve the production quality on their videos.

This time it's Swedish channel spelkult bringing a newly updated graphics layouts and animations to show the damage removing hull points and shields.

I would still prefer to see them bring the camera down closer to the table and let the play field occupy more screen real estate.

Another interesting feature is that they include a magnifying glass to zoom in on the dice rolls, which could be very effective but in this case they only seem to use it once.

Star Wars X-Wing: Wave Five Demo Game (Oicunn vs Dash)

Northern Gaming finally gets around to a demonstration game of the wave five ships.

In this batrep the cammera is hung directly above the play field which usually results in it being a considerable distance from the play surface and as such make dice rolls difficult to make out especially when 1080p is not available. however the field is well lit meaning all tokens are clearly visible. The last comment regarding the video quality is that everything seems to in soft focus making small details even harder to make out.

The commentary on the other hand is well done and the hosts do a good job of keeping the conversation going as much as possible and also informing on the more important game events.

ORS: Episode XVI - X-Wing Battle Report - TCAces Round 4 - Sozin vs Dom

The Outer Rim Smugglers channel continues their coverage of the Team Covenant Aces tournament on vassal.

In this video they have completely revamped their graphics presentation, including a new way of condensing the squad lists, a targeting computer that gives crit descriptions and most importantly combat exchanges are now demonstrated showing laser beams beeing fired between the two ships involved. This just goes to show their commitment to the quality of their videos and their intent to make them as accessible by the widest possible audience.

The laser beams are not perfect yet, they are animated quickly and so it can be hard to tel which ship attacked, but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

VLOG #2 - Annuncio Torneo presso Stazione Gioco Roma

Italian X-Wing Academy publicising a store championship.

x-wing batalla / battle sharkgames 22

Another Timelapse batrep from the Shark Games TV channel. Once again no audio.

x-wing batalla / battle sharkgames 21

A Timelapse battle report of a match which is of pretty poor quality. There is no audio track so this will be a very silent experience.

The Gamer That Time Forgot Ep 3 The Phantom Mess

The Gamer that time forgot Vlog discussing a vassal game he played.

VIDEOREPORT - "Road To Store Championship" - 2° Tappa

In this video the Italian X-Wing Academy host discusses his further progress in the store championships with his Boba Fett and Rexler Brath list.

X-Wing minatures game storage solutions

Today the Ryan Symons channel uploaded several videos showing some of his homemade X-Wing accesories. In this video he gives an overview of his furniture foam storage system with some pretty good results.

X-Wing minatures gaming background

Today the Ryan Symons channel uploaded several videos showing some of his homemade X-Wing accesories. In this video he gives an overview of his Epic size game table. The Planet addition is an interesting touch.

Gaming mat

Today the Ryan Symons channel uploaded several videos showing some of his homemade X-Wing accesories. In this video he gives an overview of his cork board play field.

Star Wars X-Wing Minitures in store now at VIP Toys Mudjimba

If youre in Queensland, Australia and looking for X-Wing stock, looks like VIP Toys just got some in.

X-Wing - Jogo de miniaturas | NerdOffice S06E05

Portuguese Jovem Nerd channel reviews the newly localised portuguese version of the game.

Bad Dad Batrep (Star Wars: X-wing Miniatures #2) - Don't Get Cocky, Kid

Jason Brown continues to document his seven year old son's education in war gaming.

X-Wing Vätterspel Winter battlereport #1

Swedish channel Spelkult uploads a video of what I assume is a winter tournament.

The video has been shot pretty high up with an exaggerated fish eye lens meaning we see a lot more of whats going on elswhere in the room than on the play field. Although they employ sound cues and animation to demonstrate damage results making it easy to follow the game.

Although I don't understand swedish the commentators seem to do a good job of a consistent conversation with very few breaks and pauses, so swedish viewers should find it of interest.

Mayday From Semtros X-Wing Battle report 4C

Wandering Inn studios continues their narative campaign videos. for my comments regarding these videos you can check the other posts using the Wandering Inn studios tag.

Otherwise the only thing to comment regarding this video is...

If the mission was to destroy the ruined rebel base before it fell into imperial hands, why did they have to blow up the bounty hunters bar too?

Caja de scrap para cartas (X-wing)

A new Channel pops up from Victoria Carrillo with an arts and craft video showing how to make a storage box for upgrade cards.

The notes on the video are in spanish but the concept is pretty straight forward.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

X Wing Tournament Report #4 Round 4 A Decimated Ending

Fourth video from the same tournament, for me details see the first video's post.

X Wing Tournament Report #4 Round 3 Dueling with Corran Horn

Third video from the same tournament, for me details see the first video's post.

X Wing Tournament Report #4 Round 1 Dash vs Leebo

Second video from the same tournament, for me details see the first video's post.

X Wing Tournament Report #4 Round 2 Whisper vs Chewbacca

Fly Casual brings coverage from yet another tournament. This time the following four videos are all covering Ian's matches throughout the day.

In a departure from their usual style no commentary track was recorded for this video, Instead they have used the table chatter to fill in for the commentary. I am quite impressed as usually the onboard mic on whatever device is recording the game has a pretty poor reach but in the case of this video both players can be clearly heard. Ian himself does as much as possible to fill quiet spots of the games and to aid the player in following the game action, However there are still times when he is not able to compensate for the lack of a commentary track.

The video is well lit and a clean playfield makes it easy to identify smaller tokens. Dice rolls however, as always, are hard to make out in any video that is less than 1080p (720p maximum in this case).

This particular tournament appears to have been heavily entrenched in the Wave 5 meta with pretty much all matches using no more than 4 ships.

Monday, 2 February 2015

DGA Plays: Star Wars: X-Wing - Wave 6 & Imperial Raider Preview (Ep. 72)

Dad's Gaming Addicition previews the upcomming wave 6 content and the known details of the Imperial Raider expansion.

the williams bros game 1 31/1/15

This is a pretty poor quality video of two guys practicing for store championships.

The poor quality makes it very difficult to make out most of the table action, although they are experienced war gamers so their habbits of grouping dice make it easy to tell how many hits land.

They do seem to have some interesting repaints on their ships which would make seeing a HD video a lot more interesting.

x wing low quality test

As this is a test video not much to say, but check the next post for the full follow-up game.

X-Wing Store Champs AAR: Whose Turn Is It Games? Report

WeaponsgradeChannel runs regular google hangout broadcasts where they discuss several topics related to the game. In this video the summarise their tournament performance over the weekend.

Lists discussed.




Late night Xwing

Russell Thayer Opens a new channel and the first of his videos to upload is a battle report featuring a very casual game using generic only pilots.

The camera is nice and low and close to the play field which makes it easy to make out all obstacle tokens, dice rolls etc. The only downside being that ships on the far edge of the table disappear out of view of the camera, this happens with a TIE Defender at one point.

All in all the video presentation is very good considering the ammateur setup involved, in the future correcting the dutch angle that he has going on should make for some excellent videos.

The commentary is very sparse, as I mentioned before this is a very casual game between two friends that just happened to be recorded and uploaded to youtube. There is occasional conversation and in fact the host discusses his musings on the posibility of uploading these videos to YouTube. There are occasional long pauses in conversation and as the video hasnt been edited the planning phase can be a bit slow at times.

On the whole this video is a good example of how easy it is to record your game to create X-Wing content for the whole community. A good idea to improve the format would be to edit out the planning phase and maybe have the host and his opponent (or a neutral third party) record a commentary track.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

X Wing

Don't expect much of this video. Particularly amateur in its approach and cuts off part way through turn two.

BoLS Battle Report #200 | X-Wing Wave 5 NetLists Battle

I saw this video last week but didn't get round to writing a blog post for it.

Bell of Lost Souls channel published a video where they try out some netlists of the Wave 5 ships.

The video is well presented with the gameplay played back at a slightly elevated speed, but not too fast to make it difficult to follow alone. The channel host also does a good job at solo commentating/narrating the match.
Overall this is a very good video, it's just a shame that Bell of Lost Souls don't produce more X-Wing content as they are a mostly 40K channel.

TACTICAL TIPS #4 - "Fiancheggiatori"

The Italian X-Wing Academy channel has been running a short Tactical Tips segment.

In this episode the discuss and demonstrate advanced flanking maneuvers.

NYC X-Wing Finals @ Twenty Sided Store 1/25/15

NYCXWing bring us another tournament final.

This match features some of the less common VT-49 combinations, specifically one with a mini swarm against one with a Firespray.